Inspirational Quotes
They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God all they found were shoes, beautiful shoes.
Imelda Marcos
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Imelda Marcos
Age: 95
Born: 1929
Born: July 2
Fashion Designer
City of Manila
Steel Butterfly
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More quotes by Imelda Marcos
I will not say sorry and be pardoned for doing a godly act.
Imelda Marcos
I am beyond logic and rationality.
Imelda Marcos
The problem of the world today is the people talk on and on about democracy, freedom, justice. But I don't give a damn about democracy if I am worried about survival.
Imelda Marcos
What's wrong with shoes? I collected them because it was like a symbol of thanksgiving and love?
Imelda Marcos
Win or lose, we go shopping after the election.
Imelda Marcos
If you know how much you've got, you probably haven't got much.
Imelda Marcos
Continuous persecution of widows and orphans is a crime. Even the Bible says there is a specific place in hell for those who oppress widows.
Imelda Marcos
God is love. I have loved. Therefore, I will go to heaven.
Imelda Marcos
It is shallow people who think beauty is frivolous or excessive. If you are bringing beauty and god, you are enriching the country. Rice feeds the body, books feed the mind, beauty feeds the soul. It is one thing I can really be proud of and stand tall in the world.
Imelda Marcos
I have no weakness for shoes. I wear very simple shoes which are pump shoes. It is not one of my weaknesses.
Imelda Marcos
Funny, I never shopped. Even my jewelry - not a piece of my jewelry I bought for me.
Imelda Marcos
I will come up with a project that will wipe out poverty in the Philippines in two years. I want to remove the people from economic crisis by using the Marcos wealth. Long after I'm gone, people will remember me for building them homes and roads and hospitals and giving them food.
Imelda Marcos
More than life, I value vindication. When you are at peace with the truth and you know that you are on the side of the right and God is on your side, you are not afraid of anything, including jail.
Imelda Marcos
I have a different way of thinking. I think synergistically. I'm not linear in thinking, I'm not very logical.
Imelda Marcos
I would have to ask the public to choose between a culture of hate or a culture of love. I am sure our poor will pick the latter. With the Marcos assets, we could regain this value of sharing love with one another.
Imelda Marcos
They call me corrupt, frivolous. I am not at all privileged. Maybe the only privileged thing is my face. And corrupt? God! I would not look like this if I am corrupt. Some ugliness would settle down on my system.
Imelda Marcos
The Philippines is in a strategic position. It is both East and West, right and left, rich and poor. We are neither here nor there.
Imelda Marcos
Filipinos want beauty. I have to look beautiful so that the poor Filipinos will have a star to look at from their slums.
Imelda Marcos
Perception is real, truth is not. I'm not fighting for money and possessions. I'm fighting for something more precious. I pray that as we enter the cyber age -- the Age of Transparency -- the facts and the truth will out.
Imelda Marcos
The problems with First Ladies is that you have to set the standard. My role is to be both star and slave.
Imelda Marcos