Inspirational Quotes
I'm not against the Hanukkah songs. I like Hanukkah songs. I grew up with Hanukkah songs. I'm not opposed to Hanukkah or the songs that accompany it, at all.
Howard Dean
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Howard Dean
Age: 76
Born: 1948
Born: November 17
Former Governor Of Vermont
East Hampton
New York
Howard Brush Dean III
More quotes by Howard Dean
I'm a committed Christian. I worship in my own way. That's my business. That's not the business of the pharisees who are going to preach to me about what I do and then do something else.
Howard Dean
We won when we toppled Saddam. That was the only clear goal of this war, to topple the Iraqi government. It took about 10 minutes.
Howard Dean
I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called.
Howard Dean
Prison is an important part of life. We can't have violent people running around in the streets. (3 out of 4 federal prisoners are serving time for non-violent crimes.) Most competent and qualified kindergarden teachers can tell you who the 5 kids are in his or her class likely to wind up in prison 15 - 20 years from now.
Howard Dean
I like John Kerry. I think he's intellectually curious and very thoughtful. I think he's deeply committed on issues like the environment. I think he's an internationalist, which I am.
Howard Dean
The Democratic Party, all the candidates from Washington, they all know each other, they all move in the same circles, and what I'm doing is breaking into the country club.
Howard Dean
I was hoping to get a reception like this, I'd just hoped that it would be on Thursday night instead of Tuesday night.
Howard Dean
The issue is not abortion. The issue is whether women can make up their own mind instead of some right-wing pastor, some right-wing politician telling them what to do.
Howard Dean
Is this so-called [Republican Party] hate wing that is so angry at all the things that have - all the changes that have happened in America, this is what they respond to.And I think it`s dangerous for the country, I also think it`s going to be incredibly unsuccessful in the general election.
Howard Dean
The truth is the President of the United States used the same device that Slobodan Milosevic used in Serbia. When you appeal to homophobia, when you appeal to sexism, when you appeal to racism, that is extraordinarily damaging to the country.
Howard Dean
As governor, I came to believe that the death penalty would be a just punishment for certain, especially heinous crimes, such as the murder of a child or the murder of a police officer. The events of September 11 convinced me that terrorists also deserve the ultimate punishment.
Howard Dean
The French will always do exactly the opposite on what the United States wants regardless of what happens, so we're never going to have a consistent policy.
Howard Dean
Barry Goldwater once said, I'd rather be right than president. I can't tell you how much I disagree with that Barry Goldwater.
Howard Dean
I think we had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years I think we need some regulation now.
Howard Dean
How much courage does it take for Dean to throw red meat to the party faithful?
Howard Dean
No doctor is going to do an abortion on a live fetus. That doesn't happen. Doctors don't do that. If they do, they'll get their license pulled, as well they should.
Howard Dean
When you - when you - and this is still going on today - are making your money by pushing paper around, when you should be making your money by investing venture capital in various job-creating things, that makes it much harder to recover.
Howard Dean
Most Christmas carols have no obvious religious content, or at least that's noticeable to most people. I mean, it is almost by definition, a cultural phenomenon, all these songs, even though they point to this very religious holiday. They're not religious songs in effect anymore.
Howard Dean
We will ultimately be judged by how we react in times of trouble and how we care for the least among us.
Howard Dean
Dealing with race is about educating white folks.
Howard Dean