Inspirational Quotes
Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything.
Henry Winkler
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Henry Winkler
Age: 79
Born: 1945
Born: October 30
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Producer
Stage Actor
Television Actor
Television Producer
Voice Actor
Manhattan borough
New York City
Henry Franklin Winkler
the Fonz
More quotes by Henry Winkler
The strangest thing [to sign] has to be parts of [fan's] anatomy. But mostly female.
Henry Winkler
I never knew that [Hank Zipzer] would happen in my life. It is one of the greatest things. It is like a gift from God.
Henry Winkler
Producing is the hardest of the three because there is almost no closure. Every time you solve a problem, another one pops up. Directing is second, and acting is the most fun.
Henry Winkler
To me acting is like a jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle is of the sky and all the pieces are blue. Out of this you have to create a human being and put it together.
Henry Winkler
Boston is large enough to learn your independence and small enough to make your own.
Henry Winkler
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
Henry Winkler
Somebody said, 'Hey, there is a lull in your career. Why don't you write books about your [dyslexia]?' We are currently writing our 34th novel.
Henry Winkler
Wes Craven is a wonderful friend, and we had a really good time together.
Henry Winkler
There is a whole other generation that knows me from Arrested Development Scream and, of course, Happy Days.
Henry Winkler
How you learn has nothing to do with how brilliant you are.
Henry Winkler
A human being's first responsibility is to shake hands with himself.
Henry Winkler
Ten out of ten people die, so don't take life too seriously.
Henry Winkler
It is not easy to compete when you have LD, but it is possible.
Henry Winkler
You see, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, actually.
Henry Winkler
Music takes us where words cannot.
Henry Winkler
In school, I was an underachiever.
Henry Winkler
Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.
Henry Winkler
Somebody asked me if I could go back and start again with a different brain, would I. Years ago I thought yes, I would, and now I know I wouldn't. Because whatever challenges I had in school, I guess they forced me to where I am today. So I now see them as an asset.
Henry Winkler
I rode it once, which was up the driveway in the opening credits of the show. I didn't know how to stop it. I actually nearly killed the director of photography, and I smashed into the sound truck.
Henry Winkler
The theater of my mind has a seating capacity of just one, and its sold out for all performances.
Henry Winkler