Inspirational Quotes
One can always reason with reason.
Henri Bergson
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Henri Bergson
Age: 81 †
Born: 1859
Born: October 18
Died: 1941
Died: January 4
Henri-Louis Bergson
H. Bergson
Henry Bergson
Henri Louis Bergson
More quotes by Henri Bergson
The movement of the stream is distinct from the river bed, although it must adopt its winding course.
Henri Bergson
To ease another's burden, help to carry it.
Henri Bergson
ACT as men of thought THINK as men of action.
Henri Bergson
Laughter appears to stand in need of an echo, Listen to it carefully: it is not an articulate, clear, well-defined sound it is something which would fain be prolonged by reverberating from one to another, something beginning with a crash, to continue in successive rumblings, like thunder in a mountain.
Henri Bergson
In reality, the past is preserved by itself automatically.
Henri Bergson
When it is said that an object occupies a large space in the soul or even that it fills it entirely, we ought to understand by this simply that its image has altered the shade of a thousand perceptions or memories, and that in this sense it pervades them, although it does not itself come into view.
Henri Bergson
There are manifold tones of mental life, or, in other words, our psychic life may be lived at different heights, now nearer to action, now further removed from it, according to the degree of our attention to life.
Henri Bergson
Sex-appeal is the keynote of our whole civilization.
Henri Bergson
The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.
Henri Bergson
Europe is overpopulated, the world will soon be in the same condition, and if the self-reproduction of man is not rationalized... we shall have war.
Henri Bergson
There is nothing in philosophy which could not be said in everyday language.
Henri Bergson
It is of man's essence to create materially and morally, to fabricate things and to fabricate himself. Homo faber is the definition I propose ... Homo faber, Homo sapiens, I pay my respects to both, for they tend to merge.
Henri Bergson
Intuition is a method of feeling one's way intellectually into the inner heart of a thing to locate what is unique and inexpressible in it.
Henri Bergson
Wherever anything lives, there is, open somewhere, a register in which time is being inscribed.
Henri Bergson
The universe... is a machine for the making of gods.
Henri Bergson
In short, intelligence, considered in what seems to be its original feature, is the faculty of manufacturing artificial objects, especially tools to make tools, and of indefinitely varying the manufacture.
Henri Bergson
Instinct perfected is a faculty of using and even constructing organized instruments intelligence perfected is the faculty of making and using unorganized instruments.
Henri Bergson
We are free when our actions emanate from our total personality, when they express it, when they resemble it in the indefinable way a work of art sometimes does the artist.
Henri Bergson
The vital spirit. L'élan vital
Henri Bergson
A situation is always comic if it participates simultaneously in two series of events which are absolutely independent of each other, and if it can be interpreted in two quite different meanings.
Henri Bergson