Inspirational Quotes
Life is too short to drink the house wine.
Helen Thomas
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Helen Thomas
Age: 92 †
Born: 1920
Born: August 4
Died: 2013
Died: July 20
Helen Amelia Thomas
More quotes by Helen Thomas
I had a lot of fun bantering back and forth with Kennedy. But for ease and comfort, it would be Gerald Ford. He was a down-home type. I came from the Midwest and he came from the Midwest. He was nonaggressive and kindly.
Helen Thomas
The White House used to belong to the American people. At least that's what I learned from history books and from covering every president starting with John F. Kennedy.
Helen Thomas
If we lose our title of land of the free, what have we got?
Helen Thomas
We are the only institution in our society that can question a president on a regular basis and make him accountable. Otherwise, he could be king.
Helen Thomas
We got the vote, which we should've been born with, in 1920. Everything we've had to struggle for - it's ridiculous.
Helen Thomas
I'm a liberal, I was born a liberal, I'll be one 'til I die, what else should a reporter be when you see so much and when we have such great privilege and access to the truth?
Helen Thomas
We've got to break through the wall of secrecy. It's America's fate.
Helen Thomas
I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.
Helen Thomas
When you're in the news business, you always expect the unexpected.
Helen Thomas
You don't spread democracy through the barrel of a gun.
Helen Thomas
Truman fired the popular Gen. Douglas MacArthur because he disobeyed orders in the Korean War. Johnson knew that he had reached the endgame in Vietnam when Gen. William Westmoreland, the top commander in Vietnam, requested 240,000 more troops in 1968 for the prolonged war that also could not be won.
Helen Thomas
I covered two presidents, LBJ and Nixon, who could no longer convince, persuade, or govern, once people had decided they had no credibility, but we seem to be more tolerant now of what I think we should not tolerate.
Helen Thomas
I love my work, and I think that I was so lucky to pick a profession where it's a joy to go to work every day.
Helen Thomas
We in the press have a special role since there is no other institution in our society that can hold the President accountable. I do believe that our democracy can endure and prevail only if the American people are informed.
Helen Thomas
You cannot have a democracy without an informed people.
Helen Thomas
I think Obama is handling his image very well, but I think he lacks boldness.
Helen Thomas
I wrote that President Bush is passing on to President-elect Obama two wars and an economic debacle. I call it a depression. And he is arming Israel against the Palestinians in every way in Gaza.
Helen Thomas
But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer.
Helen Thomas
I'm of Arab background.
Helen Thomas
I don't think a tough question is disrespectful.
Helen Thomas