Inspirational Quotes
Therefore it is the law of the mystics to see all things, to experience all things, either of heaven or earth, and yet to say little for the souls incapable of understanding the possibility of their reach will ridicule them.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Hazrat Inayat Khan
Age: 44 †
Born: 1882
Born: July 5
Died: 1927
Died: February 5
Inayat Khan Rehmat Khan Pathan
More quotes by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Music, the word we use in our everyday language, is nothing less than the picture of our Beloved. It is because music is the picture of our Beloved that we love music.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
The discrimination between good and evil is in man's soul. Every man can judge that for himself, because in every man is the sense of admiration of beauty. Happiness only lies in thinking or doing that which one considers beautiful. Such an act becomes a virtue or goodness.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Once you have linked yourself with love, a flood of inspiration is revealed to you, whatever the subject, whatever the problem in life may be. Whatever it be that your eye casts its glance upon, it will disclose itself. Then you are on the real road, and what a joy this is!
Hazrat Inayat Khan
I first believed without any hesitation in the existence of the soul, and then I wondered about the secret of its nature. I persevered and strove in search of the soul, and found at last that I myself was the cover over my soul!
Hazrat Inayat Khan
The existence of illness in the body may no doubt be called a shadow of the true illness which is held by man in his mind.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Consciously or unconsciously, every being is capable of healing himself or others.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
I can see as clear as a daylight that the hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a higher evolution.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
He is thoughtful whose mind is directed by his will, whose mind fulfills his intentions, whose mind is under the control of his intention... It is not till a person has gained mastery over his mind, till he is above this activity, that he is a ruling power, a true person.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Love develops into harmony, and of harmony is born beauty.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
The secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life's destruction.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
When one looks at the ocean, they can only see that part of it which comes within their range of vision so it is with the truth.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
There is nothing in the world that does not speak to us. Everything and everybody reveals its own nature, character and secrets continuously. The more open our inner senses, the more we understand the voice of everything.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Spiritual progress is the changing of the point of view.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
... The wise in all ages... have tried to learn one thing only, and that was resignation to the Will of God. By doing this, they have reached a stage at which they could see from God's point of view.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Music should be healing, music should uplift the soul, music should inspire then there is no better way of getting closer to God, of rising higher towards the spirit, of attaining spiritual perfection, only if it is rightly understood.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
By love, harmony and beauty you must turn the whole of life into a single vision of divine glory.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
To be really sorry for one's errors is like opening the door of Heaven.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Now if I do anything it is to tune souls instead of instruments. To harmonize people instead of notes. If there is anything in my philosophy, it is the law of harmony: that one must put oneself in harmony with oneself and with others.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Music should be healing. Music should uplift the soul. Music should inspire.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
People often ask me questions that I cannot very well answer in words, and it makes me sad to think they are unable to hear the voice of my silence.
Hazrat Inayat Khan