Inspirational Quotes
It is not that it is religious or it is not religious, it is called attitude of gratitude, it is called thanking God for giving you elbows and knees, giving you ribs and the glandular system, giving you head and skull and brain.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
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Harbhajan Singh Yogi
More quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The pair of opposites do not effect a yogi - neither praise nor insult.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Cultivate the attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is when you are grateful for every breath of life.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The moment you understand that there is an essence of purity in you, you will realize reality. The moment you realize reality you will have royalty, and then you don't have to say or do a thing. When your presence will work then you will emit wisdom.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Truth is everlasting.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
You can never hide from your truth. If you do, you will always be lost.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
As a healer, the first thing to tell every patient is to breathe deeply. Shallow breathing means no endurance, no patience.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
If we take judging ourselves and others out of our life, we will mostly be living in paradise.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The path which we believe in is the path of love it has all the goodness of God in it-calmness and kindness.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
REAL Peace is always unshakable... 'Bliss is unchanged by gain or loss'
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
There is no liberation without labor...and there is no freedom which is free.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Communication is a science as well as an art. What does speaking precisely mean? You are consciously communicating with another person at that person's frequency, not yours.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Love means total interest love means total creativity love means total input. Who has that for you? Who has given you values? Who has given you character? Who has told you, Stand for righteousness and I'll stand behind you?
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Hope is not a prediction of the future, it's a declaration of what is possible.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Never say things to friends which you don't want to hear from enemies.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
You only communicate to pass the time, or to express the emotions. Your tongue has to develop [the capacity] to speak consciousness.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
I love you but you didn't bring me flowers. Your love is hanging on flowers! You are seasonal, conditional, demanding and bargaining. Love is not a bargain. Love is not a business. It cannot be bought and sold. It has no condition. When you put a condition on love, it evaporates.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The unit of every country is the family and the strength of the country is based on the smiles of the children and songs of the adults.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Talk to everybody with reverence. Listen to everybody with reverence. Say things with reverence. You will always be happy and graceful.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Talk passionately and act compassionately. The only thing you can do in your life to win the world is to be a kind speaker and a kind listener. That's what makes the humankind. Kind listening and kind speaking. Passionately talk and compassionately act.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Prayer without heart is a waste to time.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi