Inspirational Quotes
Beliefs, and the feelings that we have about them, are the language that speaks to the quantum stuff that makes our realty.
Gregg Braden
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Gregg Braden
Age: 70
Born: 1954
Born: June 28
More quotes by Gregg Braden
The distinction between what is real and what is imaginary is not one that can be finely maintained ... all existing thing are ... imaginary.
Gregg Braden
You can manifest the life you truly want with clear intention, emotional intelligence and it or not, your life is what you have chosen.
Gregg Braden
Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometime-unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs create the “disturbances” in the field that become the blueprints for our lives.
Gregg Braden
There can only be one solution to any problem: a change in attitude and in consciousness.
Gregg Braden
All it takes is one person in any generation to heal a family's limiting beliefs.
Gregg Braden
We are never more than a belief away from our greatest love, deepest healing, and most profound miracles.
Gregg Braden
The heart is where is where the action is
Gregg Braden
Every time one person chooses a new way to respond to the challenges of life, each time an individual chooses a new option, that person then becomes a living bridge for all the others who choose to follow in that person's path.
Gregg Braden
The new shift in thinking is the gateway to human transformation. And because of the sheer number of people involved in this shift, and the growing magnitude of the crises that are driving us to change the way we think, we are standing on the threshold of human transformation at a level unlike anything ever before known on Earth.
Gregg Braden
The prime rule of reality is that we must become in our lives what we choose to experience in the world.
Gregg Braden
The world around us is nothing more and nothing less than a mirror of what we have become from within.
Gregg Braden
A thought that's imbued with the power of emotion produces the feeling that brings it to life. When this happens, we've created an affirmation as well as a prayer. Both are based in feeling-and more precisely, in feeling as if the outcome has already happened.
Gregg Braden
We live in a world where everything is connected. We can not longer think in terms of us and them when it comes to the consequences of the way we live. Today it's all about WE.
Gregg Braden
The power of our beliefs can work in either direction to become life affirming or life denying.
Gregg Braden
Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present.
Gregg Braden
Every second we choose to nourish ourselves in a way that supports or depletes our lives, and to think and speak about other people in a way that is honoring or dishonoring. What choice are you going to make today.
Gregg Braden
In a malleable world where everything from atoms to cells is changing to match our beliefs, we're limited only by the way we think of ourselves in that world.
Gregg Braden
In the instant of our first breath, we are infused with the single greatest force in the universe--the power to translate the possibilities of our minds into the reality of our world.
Gregg Braden
When you go into the world today, before you leave your home, promise yourself that you'll find at least one miracle. Without any limits or bounds on what you think it should look like, simply state for yourself your clear intention that of the many miracles that cross your path, you'll recognize one of them.
Gregg Braden
To change the limitations of our personal pasts, our minds need a reason to change what we believe-and a good one at that.
Gregg Braden