Inspirational Quotes
Quote just 25 years the glaciers in the Himalayas which provide water for three-quarters of a billion people could disappear entirely.
Gordon Brown
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Gordon Brown
Age: 73
Born: 1951
Born: February 20
Former Prime Minister Of The United Kingdom
James Gordon Brown
J. Gordon Brown
More quotes by Gordon Brown
I said that this would be a Budget based on prudence for a purpose and that guides us also in our approach to public spending.
Gordon Brown
I'm a father that's what matters most. Nothing matters more.
Gordon Brown
No one should be held back from realising their potential by fears that they will not be able to afford to go to university or that they will graduate with unmanageable levels of debt.
Gordon Brown
Boom and bust is a term that applied to the Conservative years and two of the worst recessions in history.
Gordon Brown
In the weeks and months ahead, my task is to show I have the new ideas, the vision and the experience to earn the trust of the British people.
Gordon Brown
Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to agree that what is obvious and should have been done years ago, can no longer be postponed. We must create a new international financial architecture for the global age.
Gordon Brown
What is gained by debt relief and aid can be lost if we don't get a proper trade agreement in Hong Kong.
Gordon Brown
Britain and Pakistan will jointly fight the menace of terrorism .. Both the countries are facing a common threat of terrorism and we know that Pakistan is even more committed to fighting this menace
Gordon Brown
America knows it has got to deal with its deficit problems so that it, too, can promise it is making its proper and best contributions to the world economy.
Gordon Brown
Good strong banks are essential for every family and for every business in the country and extraordinary times call for the bold and far-reaching solutions that the Treasury has announced today.
Gordon Brown
Once government's objectives were economic growth and social cohesion. Now they are prosperity, fairness and environmental care
Gordon Brown
When the strong help the weak, it makes us all stronger
Gordon Brown
Our mission is, in truth, historic and world changing - to build, over the next fifty years and beyond, a global low carbon economy. And it is not overdramatic to say that the character and course of the coming century will be set by how we measure up to this challenge
Gordon Brown
Britain does not want a return to boom and bust.
Gordon Brown
Take, therefore, what modern technology is capable of: the power of our moral sense allied to the power of communications and our ability to organize internationally. That, in my view, gives us the first opportunity as a community to fundamentally change the world.
Gordon Brown
The vision of personalised public services - meeting the individual needs of all our citizens - requires continuing reform in the way services are delivered
Gordon Brown
I did maths for a year at university. I don't think I was very good at it. And some people would say it shows.
Gordon Brown
I will listen and I will learn. I will strive to meet people's aspirations. I want to lead a government humble enough to know its place - where I will always strive to be - and that is on people's side.
Gordon Brown
Our new economic approach is rooted in ideas which stress the importance of macro-economics, post neo-classical endogenous growth theory and the symbiotic relationships between growth and investment, and people and infrastructure.
Gordon Brown
So another challenge for our generation is to create global institutions that reflect our ideas of fairness and responsibility, not the ideas that were the basis of the last stage of financial development over these recent years.
Gordon Brown