Inspirational Quotes
It’s true, isn’t it? Then what else really matters?
Gordon B. Hinckley
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Gordon B. Hinckley
Age: 97 †
Born: 1910
Born: June 23
Died: 2008
Died: January 27
Religious Leader
Salt Lake City
Gordon Bitner Hinckley
Gordon Hinckley
More quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley
I am satisfied that happiness in marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion. Any man who will make his wife's comfort his first concern will stay in love with her throughout their lives and through the eternity yet to come
Gordon B. Hinckley
Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Criticism and pessimism destroy families, undermine institutions of all kinds, defeat nearly everyone, and spread a shroud of gloom over entire nations.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Criticism is the forerunner of divorce, the cultivator of rebellion, sometimes an agent that leads to failure.
Gordon B. Hinckley
I am totally in the hands of the Lord.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Believe in yourselves. Believe in your capacity to do some good in this world. God sent us here for a purpose, and that was to improve the world in which we live. The wonderful thing is that we can do it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
How wonderful it is that we believe in modern revelation. I cannot get over the feeling that if revelation were needed anciently, when life was simple, that revelation is also needed today, when life is complex. There never was a time in the history of the earth when men needed revelation more than they need it now.
Gordon B. Hinckley
If we will concentrate on the best, that element will grow until it sparkles.
Gordon B. Hinckley
You have the potential to become anything to which you set your mind. You have a mind and a body and a spirit. With these three working together, you can walk the high road that leads to achievement and happiness. But this will require effort and sacrifice and faith.
Gordon B. Hinckley
As you work with your associates to help them with their faith, you will save them and also yourselves.
Gordon B. Hinckley
I hope we will never again see such a depression. But I am troubled by the huge consumer installment debt which hangs over the people of the nation, including our own people.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Please don't nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept of your effort.
Gordon B. Hinckley
People are looking for stability in a shaky world. They want something they can get hold of that's firm and sure and an anchor in the midst of all of this instability in which they're living.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Father forgive us, for we do not what we know.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Do not let fear overcome your efforts.
Gordon B. Hinckley
It is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Love can make the difference-love generously given in childhood and reaching through the awkward years of youth . . . and encouragement that is quick to compliment and slow to criticize.
Gordon B. Hinckley
This will be the most important decision of your life, the individual whom you marry.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Forget yourself and go to work.
Gordon B. Hinckley
You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.
Gordon B. Hinckley