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We have to be pretty tough with mortgage companies and say you have got to give people the chance to work out their debts, sort out future mortgages.
George Osborne
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George Osborne
Age: 53
Born: 1971
Born: May 23
British Politician
George Gideon Oliver Osborne
More quotes by George Osborne
Even a China growing at 7% or indeed less is still adding to the world economy an economy equivalent to the UK or more.
George Osborne
You also want to look at how the tax system encourages and rewards pension saving. I have set as an ambition reversing the effects of Gordon Brown's tax raid which heralded the beginning of the age of responsibility. We are looking at some very specific tax measures on how we can encourage saving.
George Osborne
Britain is China's best partner in the West.
George Osborne
Well British pension funds have not been investing the savings of British people in British infrastructure.
George Osborne
You need to have a state pension that doesn't drag more and more people into means-testing each year and make it very difficult for people on low to medium term incomes to save and not see their savings clawed away.
George Osborne
We will also target tax evasion and off-shore tax havens... Everyone must pay their share.
George Osborne
What's interesting is whilst Shanghai has gone stellar - literally, in these massive buildings which have appeared since I first visited - Beijing has become a much more vibrant and interesting place. A lot more business is done here.
George Osborne
No other chancellor in the long history of the office has felt the need to pass a law in order to convince people he has the political will to implement his own Budget.
George Osborne
Britain has no divine right to be one of the richest countries in the world.
George Osborne
We want people to have a stake in the British economy so I am in favour of actually encouraging people to have small shareholdings and feel they've got a stake in our economic future.
George Osborne
Put on top of that the fact that the whole world is looking at Britain and saying how is this country going to pay its way in the future. They are looking at other countries like Greece who can't pay their way in the future and you see savage spending cuts, big cuts in pay.
George Osborne
Britain wants the single currency to be a success. It is massively in our interests that we have a stable financial system on our doorstep.
George Osborne
I want Britain to be the home of successful competitive and stable financial services.
George Osborne
There are plenty of people who don't want change - the Labour Party, some of their militant trade union friends like Unite busy causing strikes at the very beginning of a fragile recovery.
George Osborne
The foundations of a strong economy don't rest alone on the decisions of Chancellors or the spending programmes of government.
George Osborne
There are those people who don't want change. Well there needs to be a coalition for change amongst the hard-working mainstream majority of the country to crack on and sort out Britain's problems.
George Osborne
One big theme for me is that we have got to move from an economy built on debt to one where we save and invest in the future.
George Osborne
Establishing proper economic governance that allows the Eurozone to undertake the integration it needs whilst protecting the interests of the single market for all 28, the rights of member states who are not in the Euro - including of course the UK - is really important for the future of the European Union.
George Osborne
I believe that I'm entitled to regard my pre-political life as off-limits in terms of what can be looked at and judged.
George Osborne
I want Britain to be a global financial centre but I want it to be properly regulated.
George Osborne