Inspirational Quotes
I am part of the cycle, rebirth death, rebirth death, rebirth death.
George Harrison
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George Harrison
Age: 58 †
Born: 1943
Born: February 25
Died: 2001
Died: November 29
Bass Guitarist
Film Actor
Film Producer
Film Score Composer
City of Liverpool
The Quiet Beatle
Nelson Wilbury
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More quotes by George Harrison
...won't you give some bread to get the starving fed
George Harrison
Krishna is God, and by chanting His Holy Names, the devotee quickly develops God-consciousness.
George Harrison
I want the Pope to have the Christ consciousness. I don't want to just talk about Christ.
George Harrison
Many people fear the words Lord and God.
George Harrison
Ultimately the love can become so big that we can love the whole of creation instead of 'I love this but I don't like that.'
George Harrison
Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing.
George Harrison
No matter how good you are, you still need grace to get out of the material world. You can be a yogi or a monk or a nun, but without God's grace you still can't make it.
George Harrison
The saddest thing was actually getting fed up with one another. It's like growing up in a family. When you get to a certain age, you want to go off and get your own girl and your own car, split up a bit.
George Harrison
That's the real beauty of chanting - you directly connect with God. I have no doubt that by saying Krishna over and over again, He can come and dance on the tongue. The main thing, though, is to keep in touch with God.
George Harrison
We were talking about the space between us all and the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion. Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away.
George Harrison
Wherever I go in the world, when I see devotees, I always say Hare Krishna! to them, and they're always pleased to see me. It's a nice relationship. Whether they really know me personally or not, they feel they know me. And they do, really.
George Harrison
I was so young when I was born.
George Harrison
Although Christ in my mind is an absolute yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ. They're supposed to be representing Jesus, but they're not doing it very well. They're letting him down very badly, and that's a big turn off.
George Harrison
We don't, as a collective life on this planet, all get groovy together or all sink into ignorance together. One by one we liberate our souls, our individual souls, from the cycle by our own realizations.
George Harrison
The microscopes that magnified the tears, studied warts and all. Still life flows on.
George Harrison
I can see the Beatles sticking together forever, really. We've been together a long time.
George Harrison
I believe what it says in the scriptures and in the Bhagavad Gita: 'Never was there a time when you did not exist, and there never will be a time when you cease to exist.'
George Harrison
Everybody should just stay at home and meditate and they'd be so much happier.
George Harrison
Man can become purified, and with divine vision he can see God. You get pure by chanting, then you see Him.
George Harrison
I never surf (the Net). I don't know the password.
George Harrison