Inspirational Quotes
A mind that wants to wander around a corner is an un-wise mind. Now, is, be here now.
George Harrison
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George Harrison
Age: 58 †
Born: 1943
Born: February 25
Died: 2001
Died: November 29
Bass Guitarist
Film Actor
Film Producer
Film Score Composer
City of Liverpool
The Quiet Beatle
Nelson Wilbury
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More quotes by George Harrison
If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.
George Harrison
Why live in the darkness all your life? Why, if you are unhappy, if you are having a miserable time, why not just look at it? Why are you in the darkness? Look for the light. The light is within.
George Harrison
When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.
George Harrison
While everybody else was going mad, we were actually the sanest people in the whole thing.
George Harrison
It's wonderful to look back and think you were part of a force that shaped modern music and influenced the public in so many ways. However, that's all in the past.
George Harrison
In the beginning was the word and that's the thing about Krishna, saying Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, so it's not the word that you're saying, it's the sound: Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna and it's just sounds and it's great.
George Harrison
Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing.
George Harrison
When people come up to me expecting me to be just like what they thought a Beatle would be, they're disappointed. I never was a Beatle, except musically. I don't think any of us was. What is a Beatle anyway? I'm not a Beatle or an ex-Beatle or even the George Harrison. I'm just a man. Very ordinary.
George Harrison
You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they're ready to get it.
George Harrison
Unless you're doing some kind of God conscious thing and you know that He's the one who's really in charge, you're just building up a lot of karma and not really helping yourself or anybody else.
George Harrison
Now it may seem so far from where we all are It's something we can't neglect It's something I can't neglect Now won't you give some bread to get the starving fed
George Harrison
We were talking about the space between us all and the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion. Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away.
George Harrison
If wed known we were going to be The Beatles wed have tried harder.
George Harrison
It's all in the mind.
George Harrison
I'm grateful to myself and those closest to me me for having given me that non-material base that means I'm a happy man, one who doesn't have to compete or engineer projects he doesn't have his heart in.
George Harrison
No-one knows what I do in my private, spare time, so I don't see why anyone would assume I'm celibate or somehow turning into a Garboesque character.
George Harrison
I don't feel the need for unusual or glamorous foods like caviar, and I tend more towards ordinary, satisfying food.
George Harrison
Everybody should just stay at home and meditate and they'd be so much happier.
George Harrison
I keep stacks of Autobiography of a Yogi around the house, and I give it out constantly to people. When people need 'regrooving,' I say read this, because it cuts to the heart of every religion.
George Harrison
After all we did for Britain, selling that corduroy and making it swing, all we got was a bit of tin on a piece of leather.
George Harrison