Inspirational Quotes
Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday.
George Harrison
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George Harrison
Age: 58 †
Born: 1943
Born: February 25
Died: 2001
Died: November 29
Bass Guitarist
Film Actor
Film Producer
Film Score Composer
City of Liverpool
The Quiet Beatle
Nelson Wilbury
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More quotes by George Harrison
I didn't notice him coming, but he didn't seem to be looking for an autograph signature
George Harrison
Man can become purified, and with divine vision he can see God. You get pure by chanting, then you see Him.
George Harrison
While everybody else was going mad, we were actually the sanest people in the whole thing.
George Harrison
Each individual has to burn out his own karma and escape from the chains of maya (illusion), reincarnation, and all that.
George Harrison
We used to send up the idea of getting to the top. John would shout, Where are we going, fellas? We'd shout back, To the top, Johnny!
George Harrison
Krishna is dwelling in the hearts of everybody. It doesn't matter what kind of body you've got, the Lord's there with you. We're all the same really.
George Harrison
The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me.
George Harrison
If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.
George Harrison
Through all ages, great saints have remained as living proof that this non-temporary, permanent state of God consciousness can be revived in all living souls.
George Harrison
It's God's love manifest in this world through everything that's in this world, and all the people in the world.
George Harrison
Your own space, man, it's so important. That's why we were doomed because we didn't have any. It is like monkeys in a zoo. They die. You know, everything needs to be left alone.
George Harrison
Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass, you know his faults, now let the foibles pass.
George Harrison
People always say I'm the Beatle who changed the most, but really that's what I see life is about... you have to change.
George Harrison
Wherever I go in the world, when I see devotees, I always say Hare Krishna! to them, and they're always pleased to see me. It's a nice relationship. Whether they really know me personally or not, they feel they know me. And they do, really.
George Harrison
People have to have the desire within themselves to find out who they are. Who am I and what am I doing here and where am I going? Those sort of basic questions. Even without picking up a book or anything. If they just ask themselves that sincerely, in the quiet of the night, the door will open.
George Harrison
Stop thinking that if Britain or America or Russia or the West or whatever becomes superior, then we'll beat them, and then we'll all have a rest and live happily ever after. That doesn't work.
George Harrison
If God is unlimited, then He can appear in any form, whichever way He likes to appear.
George Harrison
God is actually inside. He lives in our hearts.
George Harrison
I'm not really hip to too much of the Zen or the Buddhist point of view, but you see I don't have to be because I just know that they're all the same, it's all the same, it's just whichever one you want to take and it happens that I'm taking the Hindu one.
George Harrison
Food is less important to me because I've learned to control my appetite to a great extent, simply by having my mind elsewhere. I find when I'm busy meditating on other aspects of my life I go without eating and I don't miss it.
George Harrison