Inspirational Quotes
We have an enormous support within the Dutch public. One million people voted for my party.If we would've been extreme, we would've got 0.01 per cent of the vote. We got more than 10 per cent of the vote.
Geert Wilders
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Geert Wilders
Age: 61
Born: 1963
Born: September 6
Dutch Politician
Film Director
More quotes by Geert Wilders
I believe that Muslims that are in our society today are of course equal as anybody else, as long as they adhere to our laws, to our constitution, to our values.
Geert Wilders
Freedom of speech is a great thing and we have said nothing that is not allowed.
Geert Wilders
Islam is not a religion, but an imperialist ideology like communism or fascism.
Geert Wilders
If you are in Holland, be careful not to say tomorrow that you don't like French, German or Swedish food or people, you could be called a racist.
Geert Wilders
Islam is according to me, my party, not so much a religion as well as it is a totalitarian ideology.
Geert Wilders
As a matter of fact the majority of the Muslims living in our society are moderate people. But don't make the mistake that even though there are moderate and radical Muslims that there is a moderate or a radical Islam.
Geert Wilders
I do not believe in genetic causes I am miles away from there. I believe rather that all people who embrace our [european] values, our laws and our constitution are full members of our society.
Geert Wilders
The best example is that if any person, any Muslim wants to leave Islam, then the penalty is death. It is not even allowed to leave it. That's why I believe Islam should not be compared with other religions like Christianity or Judaism.
Geert Wilders
I'm not against other cultures, but I believe what the Germans call a leitkultur, a dominant culture that we should have, even in our constitution state, what our dominant culture is and that our laws should apply to that culture and to no other one.
Geert Wilders
I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam.
Geert Wilders
Europe's greatest problem is cultural relativism. This has led to a situation where Europeans no longer know what they should be proud of and who they really are because a so-called liberal and leftist-imposed concept says that all cultures are the same.
Geert Wilders
I'm proud to say you are not a racist or a bigot or anything like that if you say that the Netherlands, as Australia, is a culture based on Christianity, on Judaism, on humanism, and it should not, nor ever will become a society based on Islamic failures.
Geert Wilders
When somebody has dual citizenship and commits a crime, his Dutch passport should be revoked and he should be deported to the other country, even if he was born here.
Geert Wilders
Why is it not possible to build a church in Saudi Arabia where as we in the Netherlands have almost 500 mosques being built why is it not possible to buy or sell a Bible in any Muslim or most of the Muslim countries, whereas we can buy a Koran here on every street corner? This is the exact example of the fact that Islam is an intolerant society.
Geert Wilders
I don't have anything against Canadians or Australians.
Geert Wilders
Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology, the ideology of a retarded culture.
Geert Wilders
If you are a Morocco citizen with a dual nationality, if you commit a crime in Morocco you are stripped Moroccan nationality and send to our own country. We can learn from them in that respect.
Geert Wilders
We address the problems of so many Dutch citizens that are afraid to go out in their neighbourhoods after 10pm, who are afraid to send their children to school because of all the harassment they get from this parallel Islamic society. And people are not extreme in Holland.
Geert Wilders
I'm not like the Brexiteers. I don't deny that we have to permit immigration and the right of establishment for capital and services.
Geert Wilders
We are politically correct, we are afraid to address the problem. Because if you address the problem like I do, people like you call us evil extreme, or you're being taken to court or you will get death threats in your life.
Geert Wilders