Inspirational Quotes
I was lucky enough to be in some movies where I had powerful characters or I got to be the president on TV for a little while. Very short administration.
Geena Davis
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Geena Davis
Age: 68
Born: 1956
Born: January 21
Film Actor
Film Producer
Television Actor
Television Producer
Voice Actor
Virginia Elizabeth Geena Davis
Virginia Elizabeth Davis
More quotes by Geena Davis
~There are moments when I feel like I have a looong road ahead of me, with college and dating and driving and all of that. But then I realize it just means that I have so much time left to enjoy my kids. And it really does go by so quickly.~
Geena Davis
We all know the huge problem there is with entertainment in general leaving out women. Especially as actors, we know there are fewer great parts for women.
Geena Davis
My theory of everything is that we are training kids to have gender bias against girls, therefore when you are an adult, you don't see it. We think it's normal.
Geena Davis
On film, you can't do it over again. And you do have to stop shooting at a certain point.
Geena Davis
If it isn't a success, that still wouldn't be grounds for divorce.
Geena Davis
I was tall from minute one. Always the tallest kid by a large margin. And my fantasy was to take up less space in the world.
Geena Davis
Archers are pretty focused.
Geena Davis
I have an elbow that bends the wrong way, and I'd do things like stand in an elevator and the doors would close, and I'd pretend that my arm had got caught in it, and then I'd scream, 'Ow, ow, put it back!'
Geena Davis
The whole point of why I'm doing this is to show all kids, boys and girls, that women take up half the space and do half of the interesting things in the world and have half of the dreams and ambitions. Our slogan is, If they see it, they can be it.
Geena Davis
I once read a quote that I think was Michelle Pfeiffer in an article, who said that she thought people went into acting because maybe if you could convince millions of people to like you, you will finally like yourself, approve of yourself. I don't know if that may have been a part of it.
Geena Davis
Something's like crossed over in me and I can't go back. I couldn't live.
Geena Davis
I immediately noticed there were far more male characters than female characters in the programs, even now, in the 21st century.
Geena Davis
This dapper little mouse that wore such cute clothes and said such interesting things, yeah. I thought it was a great idea to have a mouse like that in your family, so now I get to see what it was like.
Geena Davis
My parents are both from Vermont, very old-fashioned New England. We heated our house with wood my father chopped. My mom grew all of our food. We were very underexposed to everything.
Geena Davis
I played this character twice in live action, and now I've become an animated character. It was actually fun to see myself drawn - I've never been a drawn character before.
Geena Davis
Kids need to see entertainment where females are valued as much as males.
Geena Davis
The thing I noticed, have learned the most about directors, is: when they're very confident in themselves, they're open to creativity from other people. If they're scared or nervous, then they shut off and nobody's ideas [count].
Geena Davis
I don't know how in the twenty-first century we can possibly justify not showing girls things that they can aspire to, and at the same time, how can we possibly be showing boys this narrow vision of what women are and what they can be.
Geena Davis
We have it in our heads that women only need to take up a certain amount of space and then we've done right by them. It's the same in every profession. We get a handful of women professors, a few female board members - that looks normal.
Geena Davis
Obviously, movies don't almost ever shoot in sequence.
Geena Davis