Inspirational Quotes
The second I finish shooting something, I know I could have done it better if we started right then.
Geena Davis
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Geena Davis
Age: 68
Born: 1956
Born: January 21
Film Actor
Film Producer
Television Actor
Television Producer
Voice Actor
Virginia Elizabeth Geena Davis
Virginia Elizabeth Davis
More quotes by Geena Davis
I don't think male characters are as one-dimensional as female characters.
Geena Davis
Instead of trying to manufacture feelings, use the way you already feel. Or at least add that in.
Geena Davis
I had told my agents that I never wanted to do an hour-long TV show. I said, I'm not that stupid. Because it's the worst lifestyle in Hollywood.
Geena Davis
On film, you can't do it over again. And you do have to stop shooting at a certain point.
Geena Davis
I immediately noticed there were far more male characters than female characters in the programs, even now, in the 21st century.
Geena Davis
I don't know how in the twenty-first century we can possibly justify not showing girls things that they can aspire to, and at the same time, how can we possibly be showing boys this narrow vision of what women are and what they can be.
Geena Davis
This dapper little mouse that wore such cute clothes and said such interesting things, yeah. I thought it was a great idea to have a mouse like that in your family, so now I get to see what it was like.
Geena Davis
I was all limbs and I was very convinced that I must be uncoordinated, so I didn't want to try any sports. And the girls' basketball team was constantly like, Please, please just come play.
Geena Davis
I'm not somebody who takes stuff home with them, that if I shoot a scene and I'm personally impacted for days or something. I mean it certainly is affecting and everything, but it doesn't penetrate to some deeper layer. I'm in it when I'm in it.
Geena Davis
The whole point of why I'm doing this is to show all kids, boys and girls, that women take up half the space and do half of the interesting things in the world and have half of the dreams and ambitions. Our slogan is, If they see it, they can be it.
Geena Davis
I was tall from minute one. Always the tallest kid by a large margin. And my fantasy was to take up less space in the world.
Geena Davis
Even though I was 34 or 35 or something. I was like, “People can do that? Women can actually just say what they think?” It was an extraordinary experience to do that movie with her because every day was a lesson in how to just be yourself.
Geena Davis
I played this character twice in live action, and now I've become an animated character. It was actually fun to see myself drawn - I've never been a drawn character before.
Geena Davis
The most important thing is to change what children see from the beginning. To not create a problem we have to fix later.
Geena Davis
I don't really bust anybody publicly. It's much more efficient if I can impact the creators. So that's what we do. It's had a great impact.
Geena Davis
When my friends and I would act out movies as kids, we'd play the guys' roles, since they had the most interesting things to do. Decades later, I can hardly believe my sons and daughter are seeing many of the same limited choices in current films.
Geena Davis
The only movies I saw till I was 17 were made by Disney. My parents had this thing. Disney was like, you know, Ford is a good car. Disney makes good movies that are good for kids and safe.
Geena Davis
For a long time, way back in the ’30s and ’40s, there were fabulous female roles. Bette Davis and all those people had incredible, great roles. After World War II, something happened where it was not only get out of the factories, but get out of the movies. That's when women's roles started to really [change].
Geena Davis
If we show fictional characters doing cool stuff, then girls will want to be it in real life.
Geena Davis
Are you stupid or did you just take lessons?
Geena Davis