Inspirational Quotes
Right now we're in a special and powerful position, because the world is having a spiritual awakening.
Gabrielle Bernstein
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Gabrielle Bernstein
Age: 45
Born: 1979
Born: January 1
Motivational Speaker
More quotes by Gabrielle Bernstein
You'll realize the transformation is not for you alone. You'll learn that you're here to use this gift to shine light on the dark world around you. You become a miracle worker in the world. As you begin to understand how love is crucial to the healing of the world, your miracle work will take on a whole new meaning.
Gabrielle Bernstein
The people who inspire me most are those who are willing to see the world from a loving perspective. People who perceive obstacles as opportunities and problems as spiritual assignments. People who choose love.
Gabrielle Bernstein
The more you retrain yourself to choose happiness over fear, the more blissful you will be.
Gabrielle Bernstein
If you're living your life avoiding stress, you must be living on an ashram.
Gabrielle Bernstein
I’ve learned that fear is simply an illusion based on past experiences that we project into the present and onto the future.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Each day when you wake up, say: What miracles would you have me perform today? Then listen.
Gabrielle Bernstein
To begin your commitment to new perceptions, start by paying attention to attack thoughts toward yourself and others.
Gabrielle Bernstein
You have to know your triggers for stress and then have rituals for combating them.
Gabrielle Bernstein
I am willing to see things differently. I am willing to see love.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Letting yourself off the hook takes the stress away.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Putting your well-being first - like putting your oxygen mask on before you help the person next to you - that really benefits all your relationships.
Gabrielle Bernstein
You must develop a rich inner life to enjoy life altogether.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we're focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide.
Gabrielle Bernstein
First you have to witness that you are stressing out: Oh, my trigger is here. The news is stressing me out or This line is so long. Let yourself feel it. You don't want to spiritually bypass these problems. Give yourself a couple of minutes to sit in the feeling. Acceptance sets you free from the stress of expectation.
Gabrielle Bernstein
The universe will always remove what is no longer serving you.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Let go of what you think you need & what you really need will show up.
Gabrielle Bernstein
On a piece of paper, write down the thing that is stressing you, the obstacle that is in your way. Then put it in a box and just leave it there. At the end of about a week, dispose of it - throw it in the trash or bury it - some sort of ritualistic act of releasing it.
Gabrielle Bernstein
Bring acceptance and compassionate self-talk. Say nice things to yourself - you're the only one listening. Tell yourself, I am doing the best I can.
Gabrielle Bernstein
We're not going to stop trying to live big. It's about transforming your stress so that it doesn't take over. The first step is to realize that it is there and that you are trying to outrun your fear.
Gabrielle Bernstein
If I jump out of bed without hugging my husband, that creates stress between us.
Gabrielle Bernstein