Inspirational Quotes
I'm just a guy that sings songs because that's what he likes to do, I guess.
Frank Fairfield
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Frank Fairfield
More quotes by Frank Fairfield
Essentially any history we have is just a history of aristocrats. We don't have any history of people.
Frank Fairfield
I play popular songs. This is not some obscure, unusual music. This is popular music.
Frank Fairfield
No race or civilization of people are just going to say, Oh, instead of using real meat, let's just mash up a bunch of lymph nodes and put a bunch of weird stuff in it and pack it up in plastic cans and plastic bins, and let's eat that way. That'll be great. People don't choose that.
Frank Fairfield
There's this food that's evolved over thousands of years and people have made their own kind of thing, but it's not art-food, yet. It can be, but it's just food. It's the thing that people do because they have to, because they need it. I feel music is one of those things, too.
Frank Fairfield
Some people are good cooks and some people are good... I don't see why you have to do all of that.
Frank Fairfield
I was born or raised in the church, so I guess the first songs I would have played would have been church songs.
Frank Fairfield
I lived by a bay for a while, and I shucked oysters. Some packing things. You know, just whatever odd job you can find whenever you're moving around. I never really cared much for the franchise kind of work, so I'd try to find things that I considered to be a little more honorable.
Frank Fairfield
I think people like feeling miserable just as much as they like feeling happy.
Frank Fairfield
I didn't have any intention of playing music for a living or anything like that. I was just not doing well in my head or whatever you call it and drinking too much.
Frank Fairfield
I just started playing music on the street and walking around with a fiddle, and I think that's kind of when I started being serious - or as serious as it's going to get.
Frank Fairfield
Working in factories and things like that, it just puts a little hair on your chest.
Frank Fairfield
I really enjoy playing music. I feel like it's something to try to give to people.
Frank Fairfield
I don't think music is an art any more than cooking food is an art.
Frank Fairfield
Real music is what I consider to be uncorporatized music, the music that just happens. I feel like that's not a very well-known thing.
Frank Fairfield
I've been playing one way or another since I was about three years old. I don't remember not knowing how to play any instruments.
Frank Fairfield
I feel like there's the people's music, and there's corporate music.
Frank Fairfield
I don't associate much with anybody. I'm not big on all the teachings and groups and being a part of something, I guess.
Frank Fairfield