Inspirational Quotes
Time is the lens through which dreams are captured.
Francis Ford Coppola
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Francis Ford Coppola
Age: 85
Born: 1939
Born: April 7
Executive Producer
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Producer
More quotes by Francis Ford Coppola
Wine is so much more than a beverage. It's a romance, a story, a drama-all of those things that are basically putting on a show.
Francis Ford Coppola
When I was sixteen or seventeen, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a playwright. But everything I wrote, I thought, was weak. And I can remember falling asleep in tears because I had no talent the way I wanted to have.
Francis Ford Coppola
Music is a big factor in helping the illusion of the film come to life. The same way music brings back different periods of our lives.
Francis Ford Coppola
Listen, if there's one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business, it's that I don't know anything about human nature.
Francis Ford Coppola
I like simplicity I don't need luxury.
Francis Ford Coppola
When that happens - when risk is taken and the filmmakers dive into the subject matter without a parachute - very often what you get it something with those qualities that make it age well with the public.
Francis Ford Coppola
It was the man's dream, and his inspiring attempt to make them come true that remain important.
Francis Ford Coppola
A director is the ringmaster of a circus that's inventing itself.
Francis Ford Coppola
I've been offered lots of movies. There's always some actor who's doing a project and would like to have me do it. But you look at the project and think, 'Gee, there are a lot of good directors who could do that.' I'd like to do something only I can do.
Francis Ford Coppola
I was excited to discover, in this tale by Eliade, the key themes that I most hope to understand better - time, consciousness and the dream-like basis of reality.
Francis Ford Coppola
When I was 13, I worked for Western Union. When the telegrams came in, I would glue them on the paper and deliver them on my bicycle.
Francis Ford Coppola
The whole reason one wants to do lower budget films is because the lower the budget, the bigger the ideas, the bigger the themes, the more interesting the art.
Francis Ford Coppola
Art depends on luck and talent.
Francis Ford Coppola
To make great movies, there is an element of risk. You have to say, 'Well, I am going to make this film, and it is not really a sure thing.'
Francis Ford Coppola
I have more of a vivid imagination than I have talent. I cook up ideas. It's just a characteristic.
Francis Ford Coppola
I landed a job with Roger Corman. The job was to write the English dialogue for a Russian science fiction picture. I didn't speak any Russian. He didn't care whether I could understand what they were saying he wanted me to make up dialogue.
Francis Ford Coppola
I probably have genius. But no talent.
Francis Ford Coppola
When a movie is about to come out on its initial debut, there are a lot of people involved - the financiers, the studio and the producers and also, many times, the foreign distributors. So it is a time of tremendous pressure and uncertainty.
Francis Ford Coppola
You're in a profession in which absolutely everybody is telling you their opinion, which is different. That's one of the reasons George Lucas never directed again.
Francis Ford Coppola
I think it's better to be overly ambitious and fail than to be underambitious and succeed in a mundane way. I have been very fortunate. I failed upward in my life!
Francis Ford Coppola