Inspirational Quotes
Don’t believe something just because you want to, and don’t embrace an idea just because you’ve always believed it. Believe what is biblical. Test all your assumptions against the precious words God gave us in the Bible.
Francis Chan
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Francis Chan
Age: 57
Born: 1967
Born: August 31
Hong Kong SAR
More quotes by Francis Chan
The world says love yourself, grab all you can, follow your heart. Jesus says deny yourself, grab your cross and follow me.
Francis Chan
The Bible says that when we obey God’s commands, we benefit. I think we naturally assume that if we look out for our own interests and concerns, we will be happy. But people who sacrifice for others will tell you that seasons of giving are the most rewarding of their lives.
Francis Chan
Every year in my life, I trust fewer and fewer people.
Francis Chan
God is the only being who is good, and the standards are set by Him. Because God hates sin, He has to punish those guilty of sin. Maybe that's not an appealing standard. But to put it bluntly, when you get your own universe, you can make your own standards.
Francis Chan
Just as you did not come to Christ on your own, neither will you remain in Christ on your own.
Francis Chan
The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the time.
Francis Chan
Your problems are not just your problems. Ultimately, they belong to the church body that God has placed you in.
Francis Chan
Fear of God failing us leads us to cover for God. This means we ask, expect, and are satisfied with less.
Francis Chan
But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.
Francis Chan
We live in a world where people say that you can believe anything you want about God.
Francis Chan
Yes, it is God who works in you. And, yes, there is work for you to do. Yes, the Spirit empowers you to do the work. And, yes, you do the work.
Francis Chan
We often think of prayer as a means to an end. Prayer is the goal.
Francis Chan
Doesn't every encounter with God only cause us to thirst for Him more?
Francis Chan
We are here to love. Not much else matters.
Francis Chan
There are periods that we forget that in the pursuit of fruit, that if we just abide in Him, then fruitfulness is a guarantee.
Francis Chan
...if God is truly the greatest good on this earth, would He be loving us if He didn't draw us toward what is best for us (even if that happens to be Himself)?
Francis Chan
I could fill my whole time doing interviews, speaking to crowds, and there's this natural human tendency because of our culture to think that the more people I talk to, the bigger the impact I'll have, and yet Jesus didn't spend His time just speaking to the masses. He spent the bulk of his time with a small group of people.
Francis Chan
I want to live so that I am truly submitted to the Spirit's leading on a daily basis. Christ said its better for us that the Spirit came and I want to live like that is true. I don't want to keep crawling when I have the ability to fly.
Francis Chan
If you want to see the big stuff that God has, you've got to take some risk and trust only in the Gospel.
Francis Chan
When you read the New Testament, you see the Holy Spirit was supposed to change everything so that this gathering of people who call themselves Christians had this supernatural element about them.
Francis Chan