Inspirational Quotes
We are very much social creatures who model ourselves on one another.
Frances Moore Lappé
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Frances Moore Lappé
Age: 80
Born: 1944
Born: February 10
Frances Moore Lappe
More quotes by Frances Moore Lappé
[Fear] means that we are human beings walking into the unknown, and that we are risking breaking with others for something we believe in.
Frances Moore Lappé
A life-long mission has been to counter the notion that political engagement is the spinach we must eat in order to have the dessert of freedom.
Frances Moore Lappé
I was a compulsive eater in my late teens and until I wrote Diet for a Small Planet, so I know what it feels like when food becomes a threat.
Frances Moore Lappé
What we need to get right is not focusing on the fear associated with quantity - not enough, scarcity, and lack - and moving instead to a worldview that explores quality and connectedness.
Frances Moore Lappé
Democracy is not what we have. It is what we do.
Frances Moore Lappé
Freedom is not the capacity to do whatever we please freedom is the capacity to make intelligent choices.
Frances Moore Lappé
What gave her [Diane Wilson] the courage? If you look at someone like Diane, it's easy to say, well I could never be like that. But we don't know. We do know that it's possible for a woman, who didn't grow up as a world changer, to find it in herself to take a stand.
Frances Moore Lappé
For me hope isn't wishful thinking or blind faith about the future. It's a stance toward life - one of curiosity and humility.
Frances Moore Lappé
The act of putting into your mouth what the earth has grown is perhaps your most direct interaction with the earth.
Frances Moore Lappé
What was so moving for [Diane Wilson], and also for me, is that she felt the Bay itself was like her grandmother. She said, I don't think there's a woman alive who would give up fighting for her child, or her mother, or her grandmother.
Frances Moore Lappé
We didn't evolve to be passive victims or shoppers.
Frances Moore Lappé
If we start with limits and a premise of scarcity and fear, it makes us fearful of each other, and that makes us vulnerable to anti-democratic systems.
Frances Moore Lappé
Hope is not what we find in evidence, it's what we become in action.
Frances Moore Lappé
Individuality doesn't just mean individualism-standing alone. It means developing one's unique gifts, and being able to share them for the enjoyment of oneself and others.
Frances Moore Lappé
Little wonder that it can seem unthinkable to say no, thanks to the modern-day equivalent of our tribe - our fear-driven culture.
Frances Moore Lappé
The spirit that I am advocating is reframing how we view the world, and shifting from the negativity of lack and not enough to the positive frame of aligning with Nature.
Frances Moore Lappé
Every choice we make can be a celebration of the world we want.
Frances Moore Lappé
Our food system takes abundant grain,which people can't afford,and shrinks it into meat,which better-off people will pay for.
Frances Moore Lappé
I read a book in the late 1990s called The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, by Erich Fromm, and it had a profound impact on me. Fromm takes Descartes' statement, I think, therefore I am and changes it to I effect, therefore I am.
Frances Moore Lappé
I like to think of power back in its Latin root, its meaning comes from posse - to be able.
Frances Moore Lappé