Inspirational Quotes
Misery is a guest that we are glad to part with, however certain of her speedy return.
Fanny Burney
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Fanny Burney
More quotes by Fanny Burney
it has been long and justly remarked, that folly has ever sought alliance with beauty.
Fanny Burney
such is the effect of true politeness, that it banishes all restraint and embarassment.
Fanny Burney
Can any thing, my good Sir, be more painful to a friendly mind than a necessity of communicating disagreeable intelligence? Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to determine, whether the relater or the receiver of evil tidings is most to be pitied.
Fanny Burney
But authors before they write should read.
Fanny Burney
Generosity without delicacy, like wit without judgment, generally gives as much pain as pleasure.
Fanny Burney
Imagination took the reins, and reason, slow-paced, though sure-footed, was unequal to a race with so eccentric and flighty a companion.
Fanny Burney
I cannot be much pleased without an appearance of truth at least of possibility I wish the history to be natural though the sentiments are refined and the characters to be probable, though their behaviour is excelling
Fanny Burney
We continually say things to support an opinion, which we have given, that in reality we don't above half mean.
Fanny Burney
When young people are too rigidly sequestered from [the world], their lively and romantic imaginations paint it to them as a paradise of which they have been beguiled but when they are shown it properly, and in due time, they see it such as it really is, equally shared by pain and pleasure, hope and disappointment.
Fanny Burney
To save the mind from preying inwardly upon itself, it must be encouraged to some outward pursuit.
Fanny Burney
We relate all our afflictions more frequently than we do our pleasures.
Fanny Burney
Credulity is the sister of innocence.
Fanny Burney
Money is the source of the greatest vice, and that nation which is most rich, is most wicked.
Fanny Burney
I wish the opera was every night. It is, of all entertainments, the sweetest and most delightful. Some of the songs seemed to melt my very soul.
Fanny Burney
Well of all things in the world, I don't suppose anything can be so dreadful as a public wedding--my stars!--I should never be able to support it!
Fanny Burney
I cannot sleep - great joy is as restless as sorrow.
Fanny Burney
People who live together naturally catch the looks and air of one another and without having one feature alike, they contract a something in the whole countenance which strikes one as a resemblance
Fanny Burney
O! how short a time does it take to put an end to a woman's liberty!
Fanny Burney
She [Evelina] is not, indeed, like most modern young ladies to be known in half an hour her modest worth, and fearful excellence, require both time and encouragement to show themselves.
Fanny Burney
This perpetual round of constrained civilities to persons quite indifferent to us, is the most provoking and tiresome thing in theworld, but it is unavoidable in a country town, where everybody is known.... 'Tis a most shocking and unworthy way of spending our precious irrecoverable time, to those who know not its value.
Fanny Burney