Inspirational Quotes
Do It Badly - But at Least Do It!
Ernie J Zelinski
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Ernie J Zelinski
More quotes by Ernie J Zelinski
Understand that workaholics aren't productive people. Quite the contrary. A workaholic is someone who takes twice as much time to accomplish half as much as a Lazy Achiever.
Ernie J Zelinski
There are two principles for creative success - one general and one definitive. The general principle is that everyone has the ability to be creative and make a big difference in this world. The definitive principle is that almost everyone has volunteered to be exempt from the general principle.
Ernie J Zelinski
To be more successful, learn to distinguish between the truly unimportant and the truly important. Eventually you will be considered not only a genius, but a messiah as well.
Ernie J Zelinski
Early to bed and early to rise makes a person dull, boring, and despised.
Ernie J Zelinski
If you want to retire happy, great health is important. The foundation for all happiness lies in health. Physical, mental, or spiritual health - you must use it or lose it!
Ernie J Zelinski
Nice people are often not good people and good people are often not nice people.
Ernie J Zelinski
Two people look at the same Exercise above: One sees Opportunity Is Nowhere and one sees Opportunity Is Now Here.
Ernie J Zelinski
Making the simple complex doesn't take ingenuity. Making the complex simple, now, that's ingenuity!
Ernie J Zelinski
Anyone can achieve something important. Contrary to popular belief, the key is not hard work, but finding the right thing to achieve.
Ernie J Zelinski
The severity of your problems is a matter of perspective. Change your perspective and most of them become insignificant. Some of them will no longer exist as problems - but opportunities instead.
Ernie J Zelinski
Learning to enjoy being single involves the ability to experience everything through your own essence, instead of living vicariously through a spouse or partner.
Ernie J Zelinski
Creativity is the joy of not knowing it all.
Ernie J Zelinski
You are fooling yourself whenever you think you are productive just because you have worked fourteen hours in a day. You will be truly productive when you do the same amount of work in four hours, and take the other ten hours to enjoy the good things life has to offer.
Ernie J Zelinski
Live a little. Laugh a little. Love a little. Happiness will find you in a big way.
Ernie J Zelinski
Life is a game. Happy people are the players. Unhappy people are the spectators. Which would you like to be?
Ernie J Zelinski
If you're in a hurry to find happiness, slow down. Give it a chance to catch up with you.
Ernie J Zelinski
Retirement is the beginning of life, not the end.
Ernie J Zelinski
Opportunity can't reward you with its many gifts if you fail to recognize it and act on it. What most people don't seem to realize is that there is just as much money to be made from the wreckage of a civilization as from the upbuilding of one. Let the good times roll!
Ernie J Zelinski
Have you ever considered that your perception of reality could be wrong? If you haven't, this is a pretty good sign that it is.
Ernie J Zelinski
Fifteen Minutes of Notoriety Beats the Best Advertising Money Can Buy
Ernie J Zelinski