Inspirational Quotes
You're financially independent if you have $15,000 coming in and $14,900 going out.
Ernie J Zelinski
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Ernie J Zelinski
More quotes by Ernie J Zelinski
I have gone from local obscurity to national obscurity to international obscurity. Once I learn how to monetize obscurity, I will be rich.
Ernie J Zelinski
If you want to retire happy, great health is important. The foundation for all happiness lies in health. Physical, mental, or spiritual health - you must use it or lose it!
Ernie J Zelinski
Why waste so much time, energy, and money trying to buy the biggest house that your credit rating will allow? Truth be known, a small house can hold as much happiness as a large one. Sometimes it will hold even more.
Ernie J Zelinski
When money is lost, a little is lost. When time is lost, much more is lost. When health is lost, practically everything is lost. And when creative spirit is lost, there is nothing left.
Ernie J Zelinski
Retirement is the beginning of life, not the end.
Ernie J Zelinski
When you find yourself on the side of majority, question yourself about what you are doing and why. It is likely wrong.
Ernie J Zelinski
Foster a curiosity for the uncommon, regardless of how unpopular it is. The uncommon is where opportunity likes to hide.
Ernie J Zelinski
Creativity goes beyond what you already know. What you know is just knowledge.
Ernie J Zelinski
Fifteen Minutes of Notoriety Beats the Best Advertising Money Can Buy
Ernie J Zelinski
There's Insanity on Both Sides of the Debate When You Argue with an Idiot.
Ernie J Zelinski
Retirement is the last opportunity for individuals to reinvent themselves, let go of the past, and find peace and happiness within.
Ernie J Zelinski
To fear retirement is to fear life.
Ernie J Zelinski
People who observe no limits in attempting to get work done aren't nearly as smart as they think. Hard work can be done by any fool. But to be highly productive, and still have plenty of time to rest and play, this is where true genius resides.
Ernie J Zelinski
Your best retirement plan for retiring happy and prosperous - don't be a burden on others.
Ernie J Zelinski
Opportunity can't reward you with its many gifts if you fail to recognize it and act on it. What most people don't seem to realize is that there is just as much money to be made from the wreckage of a civilization as from the upbuilding of one. Let the good times roll!
Ernie J Zelinski
Anyone can achieve something important. Contrary to popular belief, the key is not hard work, but finding the right thing to achieve.
Ernie J Zelinski
There is a spiritual realm that encompasses all beings. Make friends with the angels, who will always be with you, although invisible. Make good use of their assistance while following your dreams and in all your creative pursuits through life. Your success and prosperity will come much easier and a lot quicker.
Ernie J Zelinski
There are two principles for creative success - one general and one definitive. The general principle is that everyone has the ability to be creative and make a big difference in this world. The definitive principle is that almost everyone has volunteered to be exempt from the general principle.
Ernie J Zelinski
Be clear about the purpose of money. Money is like health. It is necessary for survival but it is not what you live for.
Ernie J Zelinski
Life is a game. Happy people are the players. Unhappy people are the spectators. Which would you like to be?
Ernie J Zelinski