Inspirational Quotes
Creativity is thinking big.
Ernie J Zelinski
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Ernie J Zelinski
More quotes by Ernie J Zelinski
Retirement is the beginning of life, not the end.
Ernie J Zelinski
Having a great deal of opportunity proves nothing. Opportunity without creative action is like a brand new Ferrari without an engine. You possess something valuable, but it won't get you anywhere.
Ernie J Zelinski
You are fooling yourself whenever you think you are productive just because you have worked fourteen hours in a day. You will be truly productive when you do the same amount of work in four hours, and take the other ten hours to enjoy the good things life has to offer.
Ernie J Zelinski
Instead of Criticizing Someone's Success, Why Not Learn Something Valuable from It?
Ernie J Zelinski
Two people look at the same Exercise above: One sees Opportunity Is Nowhere and one sees Opportunity Is Now Here.
Ernie J Zelinski
Your prosperity and happiness will ultimately be determined by the enrichment you create for others in this world. If whatever you are doing does not enrich your life, or that of others, then it's time to do something else.
Ernie J Zelinski
Retirement is the last opportunity for individuals to reinvent themselves, let go of the past, and find peace and happiness within.
Ernie J Zelinski
Creativity is the joy of not knowing it all.
Ernie J Zelinski
Being unemployed is the true test of who you really are.
Ernie J Zelinski
Enriching others is the only way to get rich, if that is what we desire. The more we serve, the more we deserve, getting what we give, no more and no less.
Ernie J Zelinski
Know the moment when to work diligently. Even more important, know the moment when not to work, but to relax and play instead. This will not only benefit you immensely, but also will astonish your friends and competitors.
Ernie J Zelinski
Be clear about the purpose of money. Money is like health. It is necessary for survival but it is not what you live for.
Ernie J Zelinski
Ordinary People Attain Extraordinary Success - You Can Too!
Ernie J Zelinski
Why waste so much time, energy, and money trying to buy the biggest house that your credit rating will allow? Truth be known, a small house can hold as much happiness as a large one. Sometimes it will hold even more.
Ernie J Zelinski
Your suffering is something you choose. Experience it fully. Without it you will not achieve personal growth and higher consciousness.
Ernie J Zelinski
When money is lost, a little is lost. When time is lost, much more is lost. When health is lost, practically everything is lost. And when creative spirit is lost, there is nothing left.
Ernie J Zelinski
Imagination allows you to think of the journey worth making. Motivation gets you started. But, it's patience and perseverance that get you there.
Ernie J Zelinski
Anything great that has been accomplished in the history of humanity has started with one small thought. We all have those thoughts few people do anything with theirs, however. What do you intend to do with yours?
Ernie J Zelinski
Overnight Success Happens Only in Fairy Tales, Trashy Novels, and Bad Movies.
Ernie J Zelinski
Understand that workaholics aren't productive people. Quite the contrary. A workaholic is someone who takes twice as much time to accomplish half as much as a Lazy Achiever.
Ernie J Zelinski