Inspirational Quotes
As a kid, I was the neighbourhood baby-sitter - very responsible, always in charge.
Eli Roth
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Eli Roth
Age: 52
Born: 1972
Born: April 18
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Producer
Eli Raphael Roth
More quotes by Eli Roth
You can pretend everything's fine, but if there's an unhappiness or you're not having sex or you're not communicating or you're made to feel third best in the house and you don't address it and you just try to put on a nice face and a smile, that kind of aggression and anger is going to come out in some sinister way.
Eli Roth
Much of my youth was spent in the parking lot or inside a Dunkin' Donuts.
Eli Roth
Look at comic books. It used to be something that only geeks were into. And now it's everywhere.
Eli Roth
You'd be lucky to get tortured to death in one of my films. It's the best thing that could happen to your career. But I'm very aware that as soon as you put women in this situation, all of a sudden people are like: Wow, well wait a second! Immediately, people become very sensitive to it.
Eli Roth
In musical theater, if you have a song, it has to advance the plot. If you have a song in a musical and it does not advance the plot, it gets dropped.
Eli Roth
I've always been a fan of 3D, going back to movies in the '50s. I was part of the early '80s 3D craze, which was coming at you in Jaws 3D, so I've always wanted to make a 3D film.
Eli Roth
I feel like in the '90s, horror just lost its way and everything became so safe and watered-down.
Eli Roth
I'm from Boston, and in Boston, you are born with a baseball bat in your hand. And actually, most of the bats in Massachusetts are used off the field instead of on the field, and we all had baseball bats in our cars in high school.
Eli Roth
Even the European critics... They said Hostel is the smartest film they'd seen on capitalism and how it's gone too far.
Eli Roth
So when I was beating the guy, I started thinking, 'What if I was Hannah Montana?' . . . And little do they know that that's why I look so insane . . . I'm torturing myself with thoughts of, 'How could I actually pull off being a high school student and a pop star at night?'
Eli Roth
The best movies now are called 'thrillers.' Because if you use the word 'horror,' people's associations are straight-to-video crap.
Eli Roth
The film, 'Aftershock,' for me is really about how the minor problems in life that we think are so major ultimately mean nothing when a tragedy happens, when a real problem happens.
Eli Roth
The point of the first one was that it was about guys being lured by sex and the stereotypes... I always say it's like a horror version of Borat. Borat's not an accurate depiction of Khazakstan, it's an accurate depiction of America. That's what Hostel is.
Eli Roth
Creative writing and shooting are muscles that atrophy. But when you work them, you become a self-generator who can branch out.
Eli Roth
Believe it or not, but I was a camp councilor for three years. I love kids.
Eli Roth
I think horror should never be safe, whether it's violent or non violent.
Eli Roth
I like movies like 'Mother's Day', where you watch it, and you've liked it for years as a horror movie.
Eli Roth
I've realized that I can't multitask in the writing department I can only kind of do one thing at a time.
Eli Roth
I love movies that are just straight-up exploitation, but the ones that endure and the ones that last are the ones where the filmmakers put in that extra level of thought after 25 years you put them on in front of an audience, and they'll respond to it and enjoy it.
Eli Roth
It's very flattering to feel like you actually helped create a sub-genre.
Eli Roth