Inspirational Quotes
A candle can bring light to a dungeon but it can also be used to light a deadly marijuana cigarette.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Age: 78 †
Born: 1884
Born: October 11
Died: 1962
Died: November 7
Former First Lady Of The United States
Human Rights Activist
Peace Activist
Manhattan borough
New York City
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt
First Lady of the world
More quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt
We must know what we think and speak out, even at the risk of unpopularity.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The mobilization of world opinion and methods of negotiation should be developed and used by every nation in order to strengthen the United Nations.
Eleanor Roosevelt
what we need in the world is manners ... I think that if, instead of preaching brotherly love, we preached good manners, we might get a little further. It sounds less righteous and more practical.
Eleanor Roosevelt
When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Hate and force cannot be in just a part of the world without having an effect on the rest of it.
Eleanor Roosevelt
... any citizen should be willing to give all that he has to give his country in work or sacrifice in times of crisis.
Eleanor Roosevelt
One of the best ways of enslaving a people is to keep them from education... The second way of enslaving a people is to suppress the sources of information, not only by burning books but by controlling all the other ways in which ideas are transmitted.
Eleanor Roosevelt
One of the best ways of enslaving a people is to keep them from education.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I believe you should tell the story of injustices, of inequalities, of bad conditions, so that the people as a whole in this country really face the problems that people who are pushed to the point of striking know all about, but others know practically nothing about.
Eleanor Roosevelt
If human beings can be trained for cruelty and greed and a belief in power which comes through hate and fear and force, certainly we can train equally well for greatness and mercy and the power of love which comes because of the strength of the good qualities to be found in the soul of every human being.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I think if the people of this country can be reached with the truth, their judgment will be in favor of the many, as against the privileged few
Eleanor Roosevelt
I have never felt that anything really mattered but knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The most important word in the English language is hope.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Courage is exhilarating.
Eleanor Roosevelt
No human being can ever 'own' another, whether in friendship, love, marriage, or parenthood.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Poor minds talk about people average minds talk about events great minds talk about ideas
Eleanor Roosevelt
Somewhere along the line of development we discover what we really are and then make our real decision for which we are responsible. Make that decision primarily for yourself because you can never really live anyone else's lie, not even your child's. The influence you exert is through your own life and what you become yourself.
Eleanor Roosevelt
it is always easier to do nothing than to try a new line of action.
Eleanor Roosevelt
How hard it is to project oneself into the future. We are always prone to think of the conditions which are with us today as being permanent conditions.
Eleanor Roosevelt