Inspirational Quotes
There is no substitute for a clear vision and a decisive direction.
Dick Morris
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Dick Morris
Age: 77
Born: 1947
Born: November 28
New York City
New York
Richard S. Morris
Richard Samuel Morris
More quotes by Dick Morris
Every donation received is a potential negative ad. Vetting money is just as important as raising it.
Dick Morris
Presidents generally do what they are good at in their first four years, then spend their second term responding to the agendas imposed upon them by events.
Dick Morris
Leadership is a dynamic tension between where a politician thinks his country must go and where his voters want it to go.
Dick Morris
Nothing works on the campaign trail like attacks on candidates for bad attendance. It alienates people on both sides of every issue and reflects a callous disregard of the work of the people. The feeble argument that I'm running for president isn't much of a rebuttal: George W. Bush finds time to be president, and he's running too.
Dick Morris
Obama's perverse view of fairness threatens to create reverse incentives, militating against growth, jobs, expansion and upward mobility.
Dick Morris
Spin is overrated. It is strategy, not spin, that wins elections.
Dick Morris
Spontaneous combustion of grassroots politics is the future.
Dick Morris
I love Karl Rove. He elected Bush.
Dick Morris
Anybody who thinks that getting a communication from a voter in your district is spam - that guy is pork. Roast pork unless he changes his point of view.
Dick Morris
The opposing party rarely causes so much angst as does one's own.
Dick Morris
If you're going to be a sexual predator, be a Democrat.
Dick Morris
Much of the DOE green energy lending program is a scam. It is a slush fund of pork for paying back campaign contributors.
Dick Morris
We will shortly become like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden - a socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy, determines private-sector priorities and offers a vastly expanded range of services to many more people at much higher taxes.
Dick Morris
You cannot cover the 50 million new people Obama seeks to cover without more doctors and nurses. But the administration and even the Blue Dogs in the House have proposed nothing to add to the supply of medical services even as they plan vastly to increase the demand by covering new people.
Dick Morris
The last man to try to run for president advocating a tax increase was Walter Mondale. He lost 49 states in 1984, and the I'll raise your taxes reputation haunted him all the way to Minnesota last year, where he lost his 50th state in the Senate election.
Dick Morris
The cost of campaigning has skyrocketed in recent years because of the falloff in TV viewership. With only one-third as many people watching TV as did 20 years ago, politicians have responded by buying three times as many ads, driving the cost of campaigning to levels which only favored candidates can afford.
Dick Morris
Democrats are not about to nominate anyone who backs the tax cut, and Americans are not going to elect anyone who favors a tax increase.
Dick Morris
The Darwinian adaptive trait of our time is the ability to figure out when we are being lied to on television.
Dick Morris
The most basic decision a modern politician must make is whether to be aggressive or conciliatory.
Dick Morris
Like the battleships of old, omnibus programs present too tempting a target, too easily destroyed by a single attack, to make it through a fight.... It is through incremental change after change, step after step, that a statesman of today can vindicate a bold vision.
Dick Morris