Inspirational Quotes
Friends are sometimes a big help when they share your feelings. In the context of decisions, the friends who will serve you best are those who understand your feelings but are not overly impressed by them.
Daniel Kahneman
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Daniel Kahneman
Age: 90
Born: 1934
Born: March 5
University Teacher
Tel Aviv
D Kahneman
More quotes by Daniel Kahneman
People talk of the new economy and of reinventing themselves in the workplace, and in that sense most of us are less secure.
Daniel Kahneman
In essence, the optimistic style involves taking credit for successes but little blame for failures.
Daniel Kahneman
If people can construct a simple and coherent story, they will feel confident regardless of how well grounded it is in reality.
Daniel Kahneman
Each additional day together is a gift. The end of the day means the end of hostilities, the recognition that the underlying shared values and commitment to the relationship trump the need for one last dig or self-righteous justification.
Daniel Kahneman
What happens with fear is that probability doesn't matter very much. That is, once I have raised the possibility that something terrible can happen to your child, even though the possibility is remote, you may find it very difficult to think of anything else. Emotion becomes dominant.
Daniel Kahneman
Survival prospects are poor for an animal that is not suspicious of novelty.
Daniel Kahneman
The concept of happiness has to be reorganised.
Daniel Kahneman
I have always emphasized the willingness to discard.
Daniel Kahneman
After a crisis we tell ourselves we understand why it happened and maintain the illusion that the world is understandable. In fact, we should accept the world is incomprehensible much of the time.
Daniel Kahneman
The confidence that individuals have in their beliefs depends mostly on the quality of the story they can tell about what they see, even if they see little.
Daniel Kahneman
That's one of the real dangers of leader selection in many organizations: leaders are selected for overconfidence.
Daniel Kahneman
Most successful pundits are selected for being opinionated, because it's interesting, and the penalties for incorrect predictions are negligible. You can make predictions, and a year later people won't remember them.
Daniel Kahneman
You're surprised by something, but you don't really know what surprised you you recognize someone, but you don't really know what cues cause you to recognize that person.
Daniel Kahneman
It is the consistency of the information that matters for a good story, not its completeness. Indeed, you will often find that knowing little makes it easier to fit everything you know into a coherent pattern.
Daniel Kahneman
In a rising market, enough of your bad ideas will pay off so that you'll never learn that you should have fewer ideas.
Daniel Kahneman
The evidence is unequivocal, there's a great deal more luck than skill in people getting very rich.
Daniel Kahneman
Except for some effects that I attribute mostly to age, my intuitive thinking is just as prone to overconfidence, extreme predictions, and the planning fallacy as it was before I made a study of these issues.
Daniel Kahneman
We associate leadership with decisiveness. That perception of leadership pushes people to make decisions fairly quickly, lest they be seen as dithering and indecisive.
Daniel Kahneman
All of us would be better investors if we just made fewer decisions.
Daniel Kahneman
We have associations to things. We have, you know, we have associations to tables and to - and to dogs and to cats and to Harvard professors, and that's the way the mind works. It's an association machine.
Daniel Kahneman