Inspirational Quotes
Love cannot last without a foundation of forgiveness.
Dan B. Allender
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Dan B. Allender
More quotes by Dan B. Allender
Stories don't give answers, but they do offer perspective.
Dan B. Allender
Grace. Loss. Fortune. Hardship. Victory. Sometimes the worst seat is best seat in the house and it comes as a result of leading.
Dan B. Allender
Life is war, and marriage provides us with a close and intimate ally with whom we may wage this war. The battle requires bold love, forgiveness, confrontation, and repentance.
Dan B. Allender
Christ never intended to cover up the dark side of life, but rather to illuminate a path through it.
Dan B. Allender
The work of restoration cannot begin until a problem is fully faced.
Dan B. Allender
To experience brokenness and humiliation all you have to do is lead.
Dan B. Allender
A reluctant leader is highly suspicious of people who work to accumulate and hoard power.
Dan B. Allender
If you lead, you will eventually serve with Judas or Peter.
Dan B. Allender
If you are a leader, it is not possible to be at peace with all and friends with everyone.
Dan B. Allender
If we want to create a different future, we must have the courage to look at the past.
Dan B. Allender
The desire for beauty, the hunger for union, the passion to be part of something greater than self, all arise out of our bent to worship.
Dan B. Allender
Most people want to grow, but the price of growth is pain.
Dan B. Allender
One of the best sources of perspective is enemies. If we can learn from them, then we can profit from anyone.
Dan B. Allender
The more you openly name your struggles, the less people can use your silence as a back door to blackmail you, to sabotage your leadership, or to subvert relationships within the organization.
Dan B. Allender
Healing comes when our story is raw, bone-deep and full of hunger for what only Jesus can offer.
Dan B. Allender
The more we walk the path first while becoming last and least in our organizations, the more we become like the Alpha and Omega whom we long to serve.
Dan B. Allender
To dream alone is fantasy if it doesn't move the heart to act.
Dan B. Allender
[Biblical counseling] Must insist that the image of God is central to developing a solid view of personality that our sinfulness, not how we've been sinned against, is our biggest problem that forgiveness, not wholeness, is our greatest need that repentance, not insight, is the dynamic in all real change.
Dan B. Allender
It is God's design to use reluctant servants to usher in glory.
Dan B. Allender
For most leaders, humility comes only by wounds suffered from foolish falls.
Dan B. Allender