Inspirational Quotes
It's best not to get too excited or too depressed by the ups and downs of life.
Dalai Lama
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Dalai Lama
More quotes by Dalai Lama
Unlike physical progress, which is subject to natural restrictions, the qualities of the mind can be developed limitlessly.
Dalai Lama
I have observed that religious practice is not a precondition either of ethical conduct or of happiness itself. I have also suggested that, whether a person practices religion or not, the spiritual qualities of love and compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, humility and so on are indispensable.
Dalai Lama
I consider others as just brothers and sisters. Nothing barrier.
Dalai Lama
Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.
Dalai Lama
Since at the beginning and end of our lives we are so dependent on other's kindness, how can it be in ......the middle that we would neglect kindness towards others?
Dalai Lama
Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative. The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you a immediate feeling of satisfaction, but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative consequences.
Dalai Lama
When seen from outer space, our beautiful blue planet has no national boundaries.
Dalai Lama
I must have dialogue with the Chinese government, and dialogue requires compromise. Therefore, I'm speaking for genuine self-rule, not for independence.
Dalai Lama
Once we have a firm practice of compassion our state of mind becomes stronger which leads to inner peace, giving rise to self-confidence, which reduces fear. This makes for constructive members of the community. Self-centredness on the other hand leads to distance, suspicion, mistrust and loneliness, with unhappiness as the result.
Dalai Lama
True friends share genuine closeness and remain friends irrespective of fluctuating fortunes.
Dalai Lama
The development of a kind heart, or feeling of closeness for all human beings, does not involve any of the kind of religiosity we normally associate with it...It is for everyone, irrespective of race, religion or any political affiliation.
Dalai Lama
We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation and always keep in mind the interests of others. We cannot destroy our neighours! We cannot ignore their interests!
Dalai Lama
Even within one person, yesterday and today, there are differences. We must look at a deeper level.
Dalai Lama
Provided that societies stay mindful of the challenges that capitalism creates and never forget the paramount importance of inclusion and equal opportunity, we can and should celebrate the miracle of free enterprise-and the billions of souls it has helped free from desperate poverty.
Dalai Lama
Compassion suits our physical condition, whereas anger, fear and distrust are harmful to our well-being. Therefore, just as we learn the importance of physical hygiene to physical health, to ensure healthy minds, we need to learn some kind of emotional hygiene.
Dalai Lama
Anger and hatred lead to fear compassion and concern for others allow us to develop self-confidence, which breeds trust and friendship.
Dalai Lama
As far as social-economic theory is concerned, I am still a Marxist
Dalai Lama
I believe in justice and truth, without which there would be no basis for human hope
Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama should not be partisan either, should remain above.
Dalai Lama
If you concern yourself mainly with others, the broader your thinking becomes, and life’s inevitable difficulties disturb you less.
Dalai Lama