Inspirational Quotes
Out of discomfort comes greatness.
Cindy Gallop
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Cindy Gallop
Age: 64
Born: 1960
Born: February 1
Sex Educator
Lucinda Lee Gallop
More quotes by Cindy Gallop
I design my start-up ventures around my own personal beliefs and values.
Cindy Gallop
I like to stand out and make a statement.
Cindy Gallop
Fear of what other people will think is the single most paralyzing dynamic in business and in life. The best moment of my lifewas the day I realized that I know longer give a damn what anybody thinks. That's enormously liberating and freeing, and it's the only way to live your life and do your business.
Cindy Gallop
My background is advertising: I moved to New York from London in 1998 to start up the U.S. office of ad agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty.
Cindy Gallop
I like to describe myself as a proudly visible member of the most invisible segments of our society - older women.
Cindy Gallop
People love advertising in particular but they hate advertising in general.
Cindy Gallop
I consider myself a rampant feminist.
Cindy Gallop
There was no active, conscious decision-making point, just a gradual realization over time that I'm very happy minus children and marriage.
Cindy Gallop
Too many people, including the ad industry, believe the future is something that happens and just rolls them over in it's wake.
Cindy Gallop
I've never felt any particular desire to be married.
Cindy Gallop
Vulnerability is a loaded word, and it can off-putting and terrifying to people. The best moment of my life (and by the way, this actually wasn’t a single moment) was when I realized that I no longer give a damn about what anybody thinks. What you'd talk about as vulnerability, I'd talk about as simply being true to yourself.
Cindy Gallop
Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am extremely action-oriented. I'm all about making things happen.
Cindy Gallop
My personal cause and platform, if you like, is women's rights and women's issues.
Cindy Gallop
I realized relatively early on that I had no desire to be a mother whatsoever. I actually love children, but specifically other people's.
Cindy Gallop
The single largest pool of untapped resource in this world is human good intentions that never translate into action.
Cindy Gallop
It took a woman to actually do something about the lack of women in creative departments.
Cindy Gallop
I have a low tolerance for people who complain about things but never do anything to change them. This led me to conclude that the single largest pool of untapped natural resources in this world is human good intentions that are never translated into actions.
Cindy Gallop
I realized I was an attractive older woman who never wanted to settle down.
Cindy Gallop
Despite their good intentions, today's businesses are missing an opportunity to integrate social responsibility and day-to-day business objectives - to do good and make money simultaneously.
Cindy Gallop
I deplore the shying away that can go on, within women, from the term 'feminist.' I am, absolutely, all about being a feminist.
Cindy Gallop