Inspirational Quotes
The rules are simple. Take your work, but never yourself, seriously. Pour in the love and whatever skill you have, and it will come out.
Chuck Jones
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Chuck Jones
Age: 89 †
Born: 1912
Born: September 21
Died: 2002
Died: February 22
Animation Director
Comics Artist
Film Director
Film Producer
Charles Martin Jones
Charles M. Jones
More quotes by Chuck Jones
Once you have heard a strange audience burst into laughter at a film you directed, you realize what the word joy is all about.
Chuck Jones
Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color.
Chuck Jones
Often Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity.
Chuck Jones
An idea has no worth at all without believable characters to implement it a plot without characters is like a tennis court without players. Daffy Duck is to a Buck Rogers story what John McEnroe was to tennis. Personality. That is the key, the drum, the fife. Forget the plot.
Chuck Jones
There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is the willingness to think.
Chuck Jones
Eschew the ordinary, disdain the commonplace
Chuck Jones
Mark Twain's Roughing It is a book that many people don't know about, but I highly recommend to anybody at any age.
Chuck Jones
There's only one test of a great children's book, or a great children's film, and that is this: If it can be read or viewed with pleasure by adults, then it has the chance to be a great children's film, or a great children's book.
Chuck Jones
The close-up, according to D.W. Griffith, allows subtle changes of facial expression-the raising of an eyebrow or the flicker of a smile-to become part of the action.
Chuck Jones
In timing a film, we used to assume that sneaks move slowly. This was great for animators-thirty-six to forty-eight drawings for a single step-but it was sheer hell for the pace of the picture. So the rapid tiptoe was invented.
Chuck Jones
Well, directing is doing the key drawings, not the key animation, mind you.
Chuck Jones
The author O. Henry taught me about the value of the unexpected. He once wrote about the noise of flowers and the smell of birds—the birds were chickens and the flowers dried sunflowers rattling against a wall.
Chuck Jones
You have a coyote inside you and you have to get it out
Chuck Jones
Dell is to a degree in the penalty box because expectations and probable results have gotten ratcheted down.
Chuck Jones
Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color. Fog is about the color of the insides of an old split wet summer cottage mattress smog is the color and consistency of a wet potato chip soaked in a motorman’s glove.
Chuck Jones
Everything on Saturday morning [cartoons] moves alike that's one of the reasons it's not animation. The drawings are different, but everybody acts the same way, their feet move the same way, and everybody runs the same way. It doesn't matter whether it's an alligator or a man or a baby or anything, they all move the same.
Chuck Jones
You can't force inspiration. It's like trying to catch a butterfly with a hoop but no net. If you keep your mind open and receptive, though, one day a butterfly will land on your finger.
Chuck Jones
I have to think as Bugs Bunny, not of Bugs Bunny.
Chuck Jones
Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.
Chuck Jones
Jackie Gleason said that comedy is the most exacting form of dramatic art, because it has an instant critic: laughter.
Chuck Jones