Inspirational Quotes
If an organization produces a document, it should be made public as soon as possible.
Chelsea Manning
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Chelsea Manning
Age: 37
Born: 1987
Born: December 17
Computer Scientist
Intelligence Analyst
Chelsea E. Manning
Chelsea Elizabeth Manning
Bradley Manning
Bradley Edward Manning
More quotes by Chelsea Manning
I have served a sufficiently long sentence. I am not asking for a pardon of my conviction.
Chelsea Manning
As a young kid, I spent a lot of time exploring the world around me.
Chelsea Manning
While being tossed around the world from place to place as a teenager, I wasn't really tethered to any place or anyone.
Chelsea Manning
I also request that, starting today, you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun (except in official mail to the confinement facility).
Chelsea Manning
I don't believe that Freedom of Information laws, which have arbitrary time periods or broad blanket exemptions, meet the level of transparency that society needs today.
Chelsea Manning
Even if I didn't have the support that I have, I would still be fighting the same fights, and I would still be the same person that I am today.
Chelsea Manning
On a transparency front, I would say that I certainly dream of a world in which our local, state, and national and international governments and other organizations have a 21st century, digital-era transparency built into them by default.
Chelsea Manning
Investigative journalism and reporting has become much more dangerous. This is especially true for journalists and sources in National Security - but it has been getting pretty bad for beat reporters and small outlets doing local reporting, too.
Chelsea Manning
I think it's actually kind of sweet how there is a reciprocal effect that our stories can have on each other.
Chelsea Manning
Sometimes You Have to Pay a Heavy Price to Live in a Free Society
Chelsea Manning
It can be so difficult to get people to think about systemic institutional problems. It is easier just to see the actions of one or two people and say, That's wrong!
Chelsea Manning
I prefer a painful truth over any blissful fantasy.
Chelsea Manning
There is far more to transitioning in the public eye than money, public relations, and logistics.
Chelsea Manning
I really don't care how I am perceived by people on the outside.
Chelsea Manning
I think the embryonic digital world had the same affect on me as the openness of the old American frontier.
Chelsea Manning
I want people to see the truth.
Chelsea Manning
The press and free speech landscape has totally changed. There is far less news reporting today. Instead, we have this endless stream of - largely meaningless and speculative - analysis by sideline commentators and self-proclaimed experts.
Chelsea Manning
I believe that the trans movement is at a crossroads. We have achieved an unprecedented level of visibility in the last couple of years. However, that's not the same thing as equality.
Chelsea Manning
There are just too many opportunities - and an increasing number of them - to hide systemic, institutional wrongdoing behind legal veils, legal theories, and arbitrary exemptions. I hope that we can start to chip away at this, but it sure looks like society is still sliding in the opposite direction.
Chelsea Manning
I don't think that I'm embracing any kind of leadership for transparency or trans advocacy.
Chelsea Manning