Inspirational Quotes
I'm tired of pretending I'm not special.
Charlie Sheen
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Charlie Sheen
Age: 59
Born: 1965
Born: September 3
Anti-Vaccine Activist
Film Actor
Film Producer
Television Actor
Voice Actor
New York City
New York
Carlos Irwin Estévez
Carlos Estévez
Carlos Irwin Estevez
Carlos Estevez
More quotes by Charlie Sheen
People ask all the time, What are you thinking? It's my least favorite question in the world. The last bastion of solace is my mind. It's an invasion.
Charlie Sheen
You can put people's feet to the fire a bit just by reminding them that we're constantly creating our own history.
Charlie Sheen
It ain't a party til something gets broken.
Charlie Sheen
I dare anyone to spend 10 years in the laugh-track that is Chuck Lorre's hive of oppression and not suffer some form of an emotional tsunami.
Charlie Sheen
I’m not Thomas Jefferson. He was a pussy.
Charlie Sheen
You make a choice to win and you win...
Charlie Sheen
They sell pot named after me in the dispensaries. And I'm not even a pot guy. I was so honored.
Charlie Sheen
Dad almost died of a heart attack in the middle of making Apocalypse Now, the biggest movie of his life. It doesn't make you want to jump into that business.
Charlie Sheen
As kids we're not taught how to deal with success we're taught how to deal with failure. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. If at first you succeed, then what?
Charlie Sheen
I'm not in any way religious. I don't go to church, but I consider myself spiritual.
Charlie Sheen
I’m done with the winning cause I’ve already won.
Charlie Sheen
Guys, IMDB right there, 62 movies, a ton of success, I mean, come on bro, I won best picture at 20. I wasn't even trying.
Charlie Sheen
Fame is empowering. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle it. But there's no manual, no training course.
Charlie Sheen
A lot of people will say, Oh, I got into acting because I wanted to explore my craft. They're a bunch of liars, unless they're Sean Penn, DeNiro or my dad. For the rest of us it was all about chicks and money.
Charlie Sheen
I've always been a little skittish about death. On certain days I'm okay with it. On other days it's like, Really? I have to? No, man, not me.
Charlie Sheen
I got tiger blood man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs.
Charlie Sheen
I exposed people to magic. I exposed them to something they're never otherwise going to see in their boring, normal lives. And I gave that to them. I may forget about them tomorrow, but they'll live with that memory for the rest of their lives. And that's a gift, man.
Charlie Sheen
Early on, I used to think it was really cool and macho to jump out of the car and tackle the bad guy. But then when you see the stunts in the movie, you realize it could've been a lady in a poncho.
Charlie Sheen
My success rate is 100 percent. Do the math.
Charlie Sheen
Those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life.
Charlie Sheen