Inspirational Quotes
Sometimes there is only one thing left to say, P. S. I Love You.
Cecelia Ahern
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Cecelia Ahern
Age: 43
Born: 1981
Born: September 30
Television Producer
Dublin city
More quotes by Cecelia Ahern
Life is everything, and you haven't lived it properly until you believe.
Cecelia Ahern
If invisible people eat invisible food does invisible wind blow invisible trees?
Cecelia Ahern
So many objects, so many memories. Each was being labelled and packed away in bags just as it was in her mind. To be stored in an area that would sometime be called upon to teach and help in future life.
Cecelia Ahern
Her best friend was gone and nobody understood that no amount of makeup, fresh air or shopping was going to fill the hole in her heart.
Cecelia Ahern
I lost my dad. He lost his tomorrows and I lost all the tomorrows with him. You could say that now, I appreciate them when they come. Now, I want to make them the best they can possibly be.
Cecelia Ahern
I don't know why, but there's always the part of you, the part that hides in the shadows protecting the self-destruct button, that doesn't ever want to leave the dark behind.
Cecelia Ahern
are you saying that the feeling of searching for a missing sock is like searching for love ?
Cecelia Ahern
A veil hangs between the two opposites, a mere slip of a thing that is transparent to warn us or comfort us. You hate now but look through this veil and see the possibility of love you're sad now but look through to the other side and see happiness. Absolute composure to a complete mess - it happens so quickly, all in the blink of an eye.
Cecelia Ahern
Aim for what u want and the year will all make a sense.
Cecelia Ahern
You can run and run as fast and as far as you like, but the truth is, wherever you run, there you are.
Cecelia Ahern
To new beginnings. To the pursuit of...somethingness.
Cecelia Ahern
I write my novels longhand. I love the feeling of writing I love to see pen on paper. It feels more creative than typing, and it's a more visual process for me - I can picture the entire scene in my head and am merely writing what I see.
Cecelia Ahern
Memories were fine but you couldn't touch them, smell them or hold them. They were never exactly as the moment was, and they faded with time.
Cecelia Ahern
It's not about finding Mr Right, or that sort of conventional ending, but I do want my characters to have hope - and that's what I do with all my stories.
Cecelia Ahern
Have you ever not known something but known it at the same time?
Cecelia Ahern
This house isn't mine anymore, but the memories are the memories can't be sold. The building that housed my once-upon-a-time dreams stands for someone else now, as it did for the people before us, and I feel happy to let it go. Happy that I can begin again, anew, though bearing the scars of before. They represent wounds that have healed.
Cecelia Ahern
Her eyes, mostly cast downward, occasionally flicker upwards to meet his before falling again. She is apologetic for everything, as always, constantly saying sorry to the world, as though as her very presence offends.
Cecelia Ahern
what a luxury it was for people to hold their loved ones whenever they wanted
Cecelia Ahern
Holly's theory about the army, Sharon explained. And what is it? Denise asked, intrigued. Oh, that fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Cecelia Ahern
Perhaps I’ve been rushing my whole entire life, jumping into things headfirst without thinking them through. Running through the days without noticing the minutes.
Cecelia Ahern