Inspirational Quotes
I think I wished for you all of my life.
Cecelia Ahern
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Cecelia Ahern
Age: 43
Born: 1981
Born: September 30
Television Producer
Dublin city
More quotes by Cecelia Ahern
And that is how Goodwin problems were always fixed. Fix them on the surface but don't go to the root, always ignoring the elephant in the room. I think that morning was when I realized I'd grown up with an elephant in every room of my life. It was practically our family pet.
Cecelia Ahern
How presumptuous they had both been never to consider growing old as an achievement and a challenge. Aging was something they'd both wanted so much to avoid.
Cecelia Ahern
Twice we stood beside each other at the altar, Rosie. Twice. And twice we got it wrong. I needed you to be there for my wedding day but I was too stupid to see that I needed you to be the reason for my wedding day. But we got it all wrong.
Cecelia Ahern
Everything in life has a place, and when one thing moves, it must go somewhere else.
Cecelia Ahern
To mention it was to ask a favor and that as you were too generous, and as for her to ask was always to have, she wouldn't
Cecelia Ahern
I can’t even think about what life “could have been” like in Boston, without crying. It’s like deja-vu, I don’t think me and Boston were ever meant to be.
Cecelia Ahern
That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds.
Cecelia Ahern
the important thing is not what we (look) like,but the role we play in our best friend's life.
Cecelia Ahern
Her eyes, mostly cast downward, occasionally flicker upwards to meet his before falling again. She is apologetic for everything, as always, constantly saying sorry to the world, as though as her very presence offends.
Cecelia Ahern
people who say its a long story, mean it's a stupid short one that they are too embarrassed and couldn't be bothered to tell
Cecelia Ahern
Always a chancer, always lucky, he'd fall into a river and come out dry, with fish in his pockets.
Cecelia Ahern
The important thing is not what we look like, but the role we play in our best friend’s life. Friends choose certain friends because that’s the kind of company they are looking for at that specific time, not because they’re the correct height, age, or have the right hair color
Cecelia Ahern
To new beginnings. To the pursuit of...somethingness.
Cecelia Ahern
I was the life and she was the soul of every party.
Cecelia Ahern
But where pain was, healing could come where loneliness was, new relationships could be formed where rejection was, new love could be found. It was a moment. And moments changed. She would have to live through the moment to get to the next.
Cecelia Ahern
I lost my dad. He lost his tomorrows and I lost all the tomorrows with him. You could say that now, I appreciate them when they come. Now, I want to make them the best they can possibly be.
Cecelia Ahern
...God leads you to it and takes you through it.
Cecelia Ahern
Most of all she loved that when she hugged him her head would rest neatly just below his chin, where she could feel his breath lightly blowing her hair and tickling her head.
Cecelia Ahern
I don't want to be one of those easily forgotten people, so important at the time, so special, so influential, and so treasured, yet years later just a vague face and a distant memory.
Cecelia Ahern
Sometimes there is only one thing left to say, P. S. I Love You.
Cecelia Ahern