Inspirational Quotes
Memories were fine but you couldn't touch them, smell them or hold them. They were never exactly as the moment was, and they faded with time.
Cecelia Ahern
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Cecelia Ahern
Age: 43
Born: 1981
Born: September 30
Television Producer
Dublin city
More quotes by Cecelia Ahern
All families have their secrets, most people would never know them, but they know there are spaces, gaps where the answers should be, where someone should have sat, where someone used to be. A name that is never uttered, or uttered just once and never again. We all have our secrets.
Cecelia Ahern
Somewhere along the way, without me even noticing, I grew up Alex. For once, I couldn’t take advice from anyone around me about what I should or shouldn’t do. I couldn’t go running to mum and dad and I can’t compare my marriage to anybody else’s, we all follow our own rules.
Cecelia Ahern
Her eyes, mostly cast downward, occasionally flicker upwards to meet his before falling again. She is apologetic for everything, as always, constantly saying sorry to the world, as though as her very presence offends.
Cecelia Ahern
.. then when the hurt goes, anger takes its place when the anger runs out of system, loneliness steps in to take over. it's a never ending circle of emotions every lost emotion being replaced by another.
Cecelia Ahern
They say a story loses something with each telling.
Cecelia Ahern
Not like a heart, which let people in without permission, held them in a special place she never had any say in and then yearned for them to remain there longer than they planned.
Cecelia Ahern
I felt that my views and philosophies had been changed overnight. The philosophies that i had gladly carved in stone, recited and danced upon.
Cecelia Ahern
I'd tried enough to know that anything long term wasn't going to work.
Cecelia Ahern
Alex: Rosie, I wanted you to be the first person to no that I’ve decided to become a heart surgeon! Rosie: Cool, does it pay well? Alex: Rosie, it’s not about the money. Rosie: Where I come from, it’s all about the money. Probably because I don’t have any.
Cecelia Ahern
But even in her laughter there was something missing. She never seemed to be truly happy she just seemed to be passing time while she waited for something else. She was tired of just existing she wanted to live.
Cecelia Ahern
Believe me, when you die, it's everybody else's but your problem
Cecelia Ahern
Truth is, something that I thought was perfect was taken away from me, and I never wanted perfect again. I wanted middle of the road, stuff I didn’t care about so that I couldn’t lose anything I really loved ever again.
Cecelia Ahern
Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable treasures. It is time that we do not have enough of it is time that causes the war within our hearts, and so we must spend it wisely.
Cecelia Ahern
What seems tragic now won't even be an issue in a few years time.
Cecelia Ahern
It's funny how people mark their lives, the benchmarks they choose to decide when the moment is more of a moment than any other. For life is made of them. I like to think the best ones of all are in my mind, that they run through my blood in their own memory bank for no one else but me to see.
Cecelia Ahern
My box bedroom can only fit a bed and a wardrobe but it was my whole world. My only personal space to think and dream, to cry and laugh and wait until I became old enough to do all the things I wasn't allowed to do.
Cecelia Ahern
She would make facial expressions as though she were having conversations with people in her head.They seemed to turn into debates more often than not,judging by the activity on her forehead...It was almost the conversations in her head were loud enough to fill her silence.
Cecelia Ahern
I used to think that it was better to have too much than too little, but now I think if the too much was never supposed to be yours, you should just take what is yours and give the rest back.
Cecelia Ahern
There's a fine line between love and hate.Love frees a soul and in the same breath can sometimes suffocate it.
Cecelia Ahern
Remember that happiness is a way of travel, it's not a destination.
Cecelia Ahern