Inspirational Quotes
Do I catch flak because I'm so much smarter than everyone else? I don't know.
Brett Hull
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Brett Hull
Age: 60
Born: 1964
Born: August 9
Hockey Player
Ice Hockey Player
Brett Andrew Hull
More quotes by Brett Hull
How's the game changed in my 15 years in the league? Well, we used to be called hard-working players. Now we're overpaid crybabies.
Brett Hull
I am 10 times smarter than everyone else in this game. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Brett Hull
I'm realistic. And realistically, I'm not that type of player that earns that type of money any more. So I'd be willing to take a little cut to get a couple of extra years.
Brett Hull
Sometimes guys need to cry. Some hockey players think they're too tough to cry.
Brett Hull
You can't get big in hockey. You need to be pliable... they've even taken fighting out of the game, so there's no more of those big huge guys who just fight.
Brett Hull
Hockey is its own game. It's completely different than all the other games, although it's getting way too close to soccer.
Brett Hull
I think the biggest thing for me is being able to adjust to the way the game has changed. It's basically a 180-degree turn from the style I like to play. That's what I think I'm most proud of, being able to fit into this style of game and still be fairly successful.
Brett Hull
You know what? I did! I impressed myself just making it.
Brett Hull
I don't like hockey. I'm just good at it.
Brett Hull
I'm very impatient. I am. That's the bane of my game. I don't think about what I'm going to do - I just go hit it, I don't stop to wait and think. Costs me two shots a round.
Brett Hull
I see myself playing as long as I am partially enjoying the game and partially successful and they are paying me. But honestly, two more years is about all I can take.
Brett Hull
You have to know how to score.
Brett Hull
You know what, I had 11 great years with St. Louis. My gosh, those are the best years of my life. And I will never, ever forget that.
Brett Hull
Bob Goodenow will kill me, but if we're going to be realistic about things, probably 75 per cent of the league is overpaid. But we're not paying ourselves. There are people giving it to us and no one is putting a gun to their heads. Something has to be done if we're going to fix this.
Brett Hull
If you have an active mind, it always helps. You know, people who don't do crosswords, their minds fall asleep. That's why I do them-my mind is always working. One day my brain is going to explode through the top of my head.
Brett Hull
I'm scared to death to fly commercial I have not flown commercial since 9/11.
Brett Hull
Don't worry what people say or what people think. Be yourself.
Brett Hull
I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.
Brett Hull
He's the kind of guy who will stab you in the back right to your face.
Brett Hull
I bet you there's a lot of guys who dream of having a girl that fine.
Brett Hull