Inspirational Quotes
We are not free to break our covenants and escape the consequences.
Boyd K. Packer
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Boyd K. Packer
More quotes by Boyd K. Packer
There is little to be gained by seeking after the mysteries, for there is hardly time in a lifetime to master the plain and precious things.
Boyd K. Packer
There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful.
Boyd K. Packer
The gospel stands as true for those who reject it as for those who accept it - both will be judged by it.
Boyd K. Packer
Parents now are concerned about the moral and spiritual diseases. These can have terrible complications when standards and values are abandoned. We must all take protective measures.
Boyd K. Packer
One of the adversary's sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you may have done, you can always pray.
Boyd K. Packer
However common irreverence and profanity become, they are nonetheless wrong
Boyd K. Packer
I have a hard time with historians because they idolize the truth. The truth is not uplifting it destroys. I could tell most of the secretaries in the church office building that they are ugly and fat. That would be the truth, but it would hurt and destroy them. Historians should tell only that part of the truth that is inspiring and uplifting.
Boyd K. Packer
Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot.
Boyd K. Packer
No service in the Church or in the community transcends that given in the home.
Boyd K. Packer
Teach yourself and teach your families about the gift of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You will do no greater eternal work than within the walls of your own home.
Boyd K. Packer
If you have stumbled or even been lost for a time, you can move forward with faith and not wander to and fro in the world any longer.
Boyd K. Packer
An organist who has the sensitivity to quietly play prelude music from the hymnbook tempers our feelings and causes us to go over in our minds the lyrics which teach the peaceable things of the kingdom. If we will listen, they are teaching the gospel, for the hymns of the Restoration are, in fact, a course in doctrine!
Boyd K. Packer
The ultimate effort of everything in the Church is to the end that a father and a mother and their children can be happy at home. If they are happy at home, they are spiritually prepared for whatever should be ahead of them in the world.
Boyd K. Packer
A testimony of the hope of redemption is something which cannot be measured or counted. Jesus Christ is the source of that hope.
Boyd K. Packer
The guilt that accompanies mistakes can be washed away.
Boyd K. Packer
The gift of the Holy Ghost operates equally with men, women, and even little children. It is within this wondrous gift and power that the spiritual remedy to any problem can be found.
Boyd K. Packer
If prayer is to leave the public schools, let the ridicule of prayer leave also.
Boyd K. Packer
Addiction has the capacity to disconnect the human will and nullify moral agency. It can rob one of the power to decide.
Boyd K. Packer
Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance.
Boyd K. Packer
The rapid, sweeping deterioration of values is characterized by a preoccupation-even an obsession-with the procreative act. Abstinence before marriage and fidelity within it are openly scoffed at-marriage and parenthood ridiculed as burdensome, unnecessary. Modesty, a virtue of a refined individual or society, is all but gone.
Boyd K. Packer