Inspirational Quotes
Happily ever after never happens in the second act.
Boyd K. Packer
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Boyd K. Packer
More quotes by Boyd K. Packer
Like most things of great worth, knowledge which is of eternal value comes only through personal prayer and pondering. These, joined with fasting and scripture study, will invite impressions and revelations and the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. This provides us with instruction from on high as we learn precept upon precept.
Boyd K. Packer
Your secret yearnings and tearful pleadings will touch the heart of both the Father and the Son.
Boyd K. Packer
We accept the responsibility to preach the gospel to every person on earth. And if the question is asked, you mean you are out to convert the entire world? The answer is, 'yes'. We will try to reach every living soul.
Boyd K. Packer
Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life.
Boyd K. Packer
Perhaps no other book has been denounced so vigorously by those who have never read it as has the Book of Mormon.
Boyd K. Packer
I hope to be judged as good a man as my father. Before I hear those words well done from my Heavenly Father, I hope to first hear them from my mortal father.
Boyd K. Packer
One of the adversary's sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you may have done, you can always pray.
Boyd K. Packer
The Lord will bless us as we attend to the sacred ordinance work of the temples. Blessings there will not be limited to our temple service. We will be blessed in all of our affairs.
Boyd K. Packer
Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief.
Boyd K. Packer
Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance.
Boyd K. Packer
We are able to feel and learn very quickly through music, through art, through poetry some spiritual things that we would otherwise learn very slowly.
Boyd K. Packer
The Restoration began with the prayer of a 14-year-old boy and a vision of the Father and the Son. The dispensation of the fulness of times was ushered in.
Boyd K. Packer
I have a hard time with historians because they idolize the truth. The truth is not uplifting it destroys. I could tell most of the secretaries in the church office building that they are ugly and fat. That would be the truth, but it would hurt and destroy them. Historians should tell only that part of the truth that is inspiring and uplifting.
Boyd K. Packer
Some people think a miracle is only a miracle if it happens instantaneously, but miracles can grow slowly and patience and faith can compel things to happen that otherwise never would have come to pass.
Boyd K. Packer
There is little to be gained by seeking after the mysteries, for there is hardly time in a lifetime to master the plain and precious things.
Boyd K. Packer
The spiritually starving hesitate to partake of the Spirit like a child's reaction to new and strange food. They must be offered a tiny bite on a spoon.
Boyd K. Packer
The power of procreation is not an incidental part of the plan it is the plan of happiness.
Boyd K. Packer
His judgments are just His mercy without limit His power to compensate beyond any earthly comparison.
Boyd K. Packer
Life moves all too fast. When you feel weak, discouraged, depressed, or afraid, open the Book of Mormon and read.
Boyd K. Packer
Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot.
Boyd K. Packer