Inspirational Quotes
True eloquence scorns eloquence.
Blaise Pascal
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Blaise Pascal
Age: 39 †
Born: 1623
Born: June 19
Died: 1662
Died: August 19
French Moralist
Louis de Montalte
Amos Dettonville
Paskal Blez
More quotes by Blaise Pascal
What a difficult thing it is to ask someone's advice on a matter without coloring his judgment by the way in which we present our problem.
Blaise Pascal
Imagination is the deceptive part in man, the mistress of error and falsehood.
Blaise Pascal
We sail within a vast sphere, ever drifting in uncertainty, driven from end to end. When we think to attach ourselves to any pointand to fasten to it, it wavers and leaves us and if we follow it, it eludes our grasp, slips past us, and vanishes for ever. Nothing stays for us.
Blaise Pascal
Eloquence is a painting of thought and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait.
Blaise Pascal
The multitude which does not reduce itself to unity is confusion.
Blaise Pascal
There is a lot of difference between tempting and leading into error. God tempts but does not lead into error. To tempt is to provide opportunities for us to do certain things if we do not love God, but putting us under no necessity to do so. To lead into error is to compel a man necessarily to conclude and follow a falsehood.
Blaise Pascal
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal
Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.
Blaise Pascal
If we do not know ourselves to be full of pride, ambition, lust, weakness, misery, and injustice, we are indeed blind. And if, knowing this, we do not desire deliverance, what can we say of a man...?
Blaise Pascal
The property of power is to protect.
Blaise Pascal
There are two equally dangerous extremes-to shut reason out, and to let nothing else in.
Blaise Pascal
The mind has its arrangement it proceeds from principles to demonstrations. The heart has a different mode of proceeding.
Blaise Pascal
In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.
Blaise Pascal
It is an appalling thing to feel all one possesses drain away.
Blaise Pascal
Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.
Blaise Pascal
Man is so made that by continually telling him he is a fool he believes it, and by continually telling it to himself he makes himself believe it. For man holds an inward talk with himself, which it pays him to regulate.
Blaise Pascal
There are plenty of maxims in the world all that remains is to apply them.
Blaise Pascal
We are so presumptuous that we wish to be known to all the world, even to those who come after us and we are so vain that the esteem of five or six persons immediately around us is enough to amuse and satisfy us.
Blaise Pascal
Those great efforts of intellect, upon which the mind sometimes touches, are such that it cannot maintain itself there. It only leaps to them, not as upon a throne, forever, but merely for an instant.
Blaise Pascal
And is it not obvious that, just as it is a crime to disturb the peace when truth reigns, it is also a crime to remain at peace when the truth is being destroyed?
Blaise Pascal