Inspirational Quotes
A good nation I will make live.This the nation above has said.They have given me the power to make over.
Black Elk
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Black Elk
Age: 86 †
Born: 1863
Born: December 1
Died: 1950
Died: August 19
Medicine Man
Tribal Chief
More quotes by Black Elk
Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a person is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.
Black Elk
Like the grasses showing tender faces to each other, thus should we do, for this was the wish of the Grandfathers of the World.
Black Elk
May you always walk in Beauty.
Black Elk
When I got back to my father and mother and was sitting up there in our tepee, my face was still all puffed and my legs and arms were badly swollen but I felt good all over and wanted to get right up and run around.
Black Elk
Every place is the center of the world.
Black Elk
Let every step you take upon the earth be as a prayer.
Black Elk
Know the Power that is Peace.
Black Elk
Behold this day. It is yours to make.
Black Elk
The power of the world always works in circles.
Black Elk
After the horse dance was over, it seemed that I was above the ground and did not touch it when I walked.
Black Elk
All things are our relatives what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.
Black Elk
To use the power of the bison, I had to perform that part of my vision for the people to see.
Black Elk
Peace will come to the hearts of men when they realize their oneness with the universe, It is every where.
Black Elk
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
Black Elk
The Holy Land is everywhere.
Black Elk
And when I breathed, my breath was lightning.
Black Elk
Grown men may learn from very little children, for the hearts of little children are pure, and, therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss.
Black Elk
I had a vision with which I might have saved my people, but I had not the strength to do it.
Black Elk
Now suddenly there was nothing but a world of cloud, and we three were there alone in the middle of a great white plain with snowy hills and mountains staring at us and it was very still but there were whispers.
Black Elk
It's in the darkness of men's eyes that they get lost.
Black Elk