Inspirational Quotes
Flying by the seat of your pants precedes crashing by the seat of your pants.
Bill Walsh
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Bill Walsh
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A harsh reality of newspaper editing is that the deadlines don't allow for the polish that you expect in books or even magazines
Bill Walsh
The ability to help the people around me self-actualize their goals underlines the single aspect of my abilities and the label that I value most—teacher.
Bill Walsh
The absolute bottom line in coaching is organization and preparing for practice.
Bill Walsh
Champions behave like champions before they are champions
Bill Walsh
Victory is produced by and belongs to all.
Bill Walsh
I have a sense of humor. I usually come off as very serious, but I definitely have a dry sense of humor.
Bill Walsh
To a winner, complacency and overconfidence can be destructive. To losers, desperation and despondency are just as harmful.
Bill Walsh
On occasion I omit commas. On occasion, I use them. (The more you know about English, the less you're likely to think there are unbreakable rules for a lot of these things.)
Bill Walsh
Good talent with bad attitude equals bad talent.
Bill Walsh
Innovation involves anticipation. It is having a broad base of knowledge on your subject and an ability to see where the end game is headed. Use all your knowledge to get their first. Set the trend and make the competition counter you
Bill Walsh
Strong leaders don't plead with individuals to perform.
Bill Walsh
Your enthusiasm becomes their enthusiasm your lukewarm presentation becomes their lukewarm interest in what you're offering.
Bill Walsh
Calculated risks are part of what you do, but the idea that something completely crazy will work just because it's completely crazy is completely crazy.
Bill Walsh
If any sort of error is inexcusable, it's an incorrect phone number. One of the cardinal rules of copy editing is that every phone number published must be checked.
Bill Walsh
If you see players who hate practice, their coach isn't doing a very good job.
Bill Walsh
Invest in great relationships, they will pay a lifetime of dividends.
Bill Walsh
Everybody's got an opinion. Leaders are paid to make a decision. The difference between offering an opinion and making a decision is the difference between working for the leader and being the leader.
Bill Walsh
A burro is an ass. A burrow is a hole in the ground. As a journalist you are expected to know the difference.
Bill Walsh
Afford each person the same respect, support, and fair treatment you would expect if your roles were reversed. Deal with people individually, not as objects who are part of a herd-that's the critical factor.
Bill Walsh
Your path and purpose will become crystal clear when you begin to trust your vision.
Bill Walsh