Inspirational Quotes
Retirement, we understand, is great if you are busy, rich, and healthy. But then, under those circumstances, work is great too.
Bill Vaughan
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Bill Vaughan
Age: 61 †
Born: 1915
Born: October 8
Died: 1977
Died: February 25
St. Louis
More quotes by Bill Vaughan
Kids don't talk like adults, but kids on the spectrum don't necessarily fall into the same patterns of speaking or have the same interests as other kids their age.
Bill Vaughan
It may be asserted without scruple, that no otherclass of dependants have had their character so entirely distorted from its natural proportions by their relations with their masters.
Bill Vaughan
The press exerts the pressure of dissent on officials otherwise inclined to rest content with the congratulations of their retainers.
Bill Vaughan
On the neck of a giraffe a flea begins to believe in immortality.
Bill Vaughan
Wal-Mart and what Wal-Mart does contrasts sharply with what the Green Party believes.
Bill Vaughan
As surely as you are a living man, so surely did that spectral anatomy visit my room again last night, grin in my face, and walk away with my trousers: nor was I able to spring from my bed, or break the chain which seemed to bind me to my pillow.
Bill Vaughan
A decision of the courts decided that the game of golf may be played on a Sunday, not being a game within the view of the law, but being a form of moral effort.
Bill Vaughan
WHATEVER Life may really be, it is to us an abstraction: for the word is a generalised term to signify that which is common to all animals and plants, and which is not directly operative in the inorganic world.
Bill Vaughan
Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.
Bill Vaughan
In adversity man is saved by hope.
Bill Vaughan
Every man seeks the truth, but God only knows who has found it.
Bill Vaughan
The wise man realistically accepts as part of life and builds a philosophy to meet them and make the most of them. He lives on the principle of nothing attempted, nothing gained and is resolved that if he fails he is going to fail while trying to succeed.
Bill Vaughan
The voters of Brookhaven Town made a clear choice to turn away from the corruption and problems of the past, .. I will end corruption in Town Hall once and for all. I've been fighting for this all my life.
Bill Vaughan
It's never safe to be nostalgic about something until you're absolutely certain there's no chance of its coming back
Bill Vaughan
All change, all production and generation are effected through the word.
Bill Vaughan
Salvation includes an ongoing transformation in your life.
Bill Vaughan
The petition of an empty hand is dangerous.
Bill Vaughan
The less important you are on the table of organization, the more you'll be missed if you don't show up for work.
Bill Vaughan
Who's going to manage (health savings accounts)?. It's not going to be your local accountant, it's going to be Fidelity.
Bill Vaughan
The Democratic leadership has expressed great concern for the incarceration rate in the commonwealth in the last few years. Now they want to fill the prisons up with people who would violate the merit law, a law that's been proven to be ambiguous at best and impossible to understand at worst.
Bill Vaughan