Inspirational Quotes
Filming is so much to do with rhythm, as is music, and if it isn't there then you know in the end nobody can save it really, they can't.
Ben Kingsley
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Ben Kingsley
Age: 80
Born: 1943
Born: December 31
Character Actor
Film Actor
Stage Actor
Television Actor
North Yorkshire
Krishna Pandit Bhanji
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The number of choices you make in the event that you see on stage, those choices are sometimes largely determined by the rehearsal process and the experiments that you go through and the choices that you make in the rehearsal room, not in front of an audience.
Ben Kingsley
There's so much crap talked about acting.
Ben Kingsley
Hamlet is an astonishing intelligence.
Ben Kingsley
I think Romeo and Juliet is uplifting. That's how much a son wishes to avenge his father. That is how much two young people can love each other.
Ben Kingsley
That hunger of the flesh, that longing for ease, that terror of incarceration, that insistence on tribal honour being obeyed: all of that exists, and it exists everywhere.
Ben Kingsley
Hopefully, as I get older in the business, I make my choices more accurately, and I perhaps know from either the script or the first meeting that it isn't going to work.
Ben Kingsley
Shock is shock. Your body goes into shock, regardless of it being real blood or fake blood. The mind sends powerful messages to all the various glands and secretions in the body. It's impossible trying to act it it just happens. It's a very important question: no acting.
Ben Kingsley
There is so much to do on a film set. It is an extraordinarily invigorating and wonderful place to be, when things are running well.
Ben Kingsley
Well, it's wonderful to be identified strongly with my work.
Ben Kingsley
I always try to find something I admire about every character I play.
Ben Kingsley
With narration, you have to be very accurate with your voice. It's a good exercise to do.
Ben Kingsley
I don't honestly think people know what acting is.
Ben Kingsley
I think that various styles and methods and approaches are an invention of people who don't understand the process of acting and who try very hard to label things.
Ben Kingsley
Working in film, if you work with great directors, you learn that after every take you must let go. Sitting with my wife at the Academy Awards, we both let the moment just go.
Ben Kingsley
When I choose a role it's either because I recognise the man, or that I'm very curious to know him. If I neither recognise nor know him, then it is better that I don't play him.
Ben Kingsley
I hope I'm able to achieve more on camera through stillness, through focus, through being quite careful to do less on every take, rather than more. So I'm reducing, rather than adding. Which hopefully is a good exercise. That's what I'd like to do.
Ben Kingsley
The many many imponderables come together when a film opens and for all sorts of reasons it may or may not succeed.
Ben Kingsley
I love storytelling. If you strip all the bits away, what you'll find at the center is a storyteller. As I warm to my career and love it more, I have a sense that storytelling is healing, in many ways. You can reach an audience and heal, and by heal, I mean entertain and provoke. It's a wonderful life.
Ben Kingsley
As an actor there's no autonomy, unless you're prepared to risk the possibility of starving.
Ben Kingsley
When Attenborough asked me to do Gandhi it was almost like stepping off one boat and stepping on to another, even though both boats are going at 60 miles per hour.
Ben Kingsley