Inspirational Quotes
Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.
Anne Lamott
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Anne Lamott
Age: 70
Born: 1954
Born: April 10
San Francisco County
More quotes by Anne Lamott
I don't have very sophisticated taste in music. I listen to a lot of folk music. I like reggae.
Anne Lamott
Living on Earth has always been a dangerous way to spend your time.
Anne Lamott
No matter what circumstances, it's hard to be a parent and maintain a sense of self and identity in the world.
Anne Lamott
I'm drawn to almost any piece of writing with the words 'divine love' and 'impeachment' in the first sentence. But I know the word 'divine' makes many progressive people run screaming for their cute little lives, and so one hesitates to use it.
Anne Lamott
If you're lucky you find your way into a spiritual community and you start to find the great teachers of all the ages who said the same thing. There's only love, you're made of love.
Anne Lamott
Trying to reason with an addict was like trying to blow out a lightbulb.
Anne Lamott
I'm here to be me, which is taking a great deal longer than I had hoped.
Anne Lamott
I write because writing is the gift God has given me to help people in the world.
Anne Lamott
I understood that the man I was calling for could never ever come back. Because I understood that the man that I was calling for was dead.
Anne Lamott
Having a baby is like suddenly getting the world's worst roommate, like having Janis Joplin with a bad hangover and PMS come to stay with you.
Anne Lamott
I am not writing to try and convert people to fundamental Christianity. I am just trying to share my experience, strength and hope, that someone who is as messed up and neurotic and scarred and scared can be fully accepted by our dear Lord, no questions asked.
Anne Lamott
Raising a child, whether or not it is yours, is like Nautilus of the heart and soul.
Anne Lamott
If your wife locks you out of the house, you don't have a problem with your door.
Anne Lamott
The truth of my experience is that we are all a lot more alike than we are different.
Anne Lamott
I'm one of those religious people who are afraid of everything. I'm instantly worried about everything that could go wrong.
Anne Lamott
Everyone is flailing through this life without an owner's manual, with whatever modicum of grace and good humor we can manage.
Anne Lamott
I did not raise my son, Sam, to celebrate Mother's Day. I didn't want him to feel some obligation to buy me pricey lunches or flowers, some annual display of gratitude that you have to grit your teeth and endure.
Anne Lamott
Getting into a new relationship is like pouring Miracle-Gro on your character defects.
Anne Lamott
Mostly what happens in the novels never happened in real life.
Anne Lamott
Do you mind even a little that you are still addicted to people-pleasing, and are still putting everyone else’s needs and laundry and career ahead of your creative, spiritual life? Giving all your life force away, to “help” and impress. Well, your help is not helpful, and falls short.
Anne Lamott