Inspirational Quotes
The blessing of my mother is that she is so interested, she is so bright, she never complains - the joy of the Lord just bubbles out of her. Anybody who's in her presence is blessed to be there.
Anne Graham Lotz
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Anne Graham Lotz
Age: 76
Born: 1948
Born: May 21
North Carolina
Anne McCue Graham Lotz
More quotes by Anne Graham Lotz
When I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, and I asked him to forgive and to come into my life, and He does - from that moment forward I have established a personal relationship with God that I have to develop, you know, through Bible reading and prayer, and living my life for him.
Anne Graham Lotz
Do you sometimes feel that you just can't take one more thing? Even in your misery, be mindful that the very weight of your burdens and the intensity going to use in your life to trigger an experience of personal revival.
Anne Graham Lotz
My life's goal is not to write books my life's goal is to know God better today. The neat thing about a goal like that is you can achieve it. Faith is constant it's a relationship.
Anne Graham Lotz
I want to take my focus off myself and focus on God. It's like setting your spiritual compass so no matter which way you turn during the day, whatever comes up, then my thoughts go back to Him and whatever He said that morning.
Anne Graham Lotz
I need the spiritual revival that comes from spending quiet time alone with Jesus in prayer and in thoughtful meditation on His Word.
Anne Graham Lotz
Prayer is hard work. We may neglect it because we're too tired, too busy, or too distracted to put into prayer the effort required.
Anne Graham Lotz
The kind of trust God wants us to have cannot be learned in comfort and ease.
Anne Graham Lotz
When the storms of life come, if they come to me personally, to my family or to the world, I want to be strong enough to stand and be a strength to somebody else, be shelter for somebody else.
Anne Graham Lotz
Prayer offered without faith by a person that doesn't truly believe God exists will not be effective. Sin in our lives that we refuse to confess will also render our prayers ineffective.
Anne Graham Lotz
Sometimes when you're suffering really intensely, you can't pray for yourself.
Anne Graham Lotz
When I was a teenager, I was trying to please people. I kept changing who I was to please the people I was with. And so once I just decided I wasn't going to do that anymore. I was going to live my life to please God. And so from that day to this, that's been my aim. Some people don't understand, but you can't please everybody anyway.
Anne Graham Lotz
In the Bible, ordination - I don't see that in the Scripture. In the Bible, it's whether you're filled with the Holy Spirit, whether you're anointed by God, whether you're called by God, whether you're obedient to Him. I want to be those things, but I don't see any purpose for me in being ordained.
Anne Graham Lotz
One misconception is that if we follow God in the life of faith, and that means obedience - that we read His Word, we're obedient, we pray, we go to church, we do the right things - that somehow His blessing means we're going to be okay.
Anne Graham Lotz
Knowing where you are going takes the uncertainty out of getting there
Anne Graham Lotz
God cannot be less than Himself. And God is good. And active. And faithful. And He cares.
Anne Graham Lotz
I get up earlier than my husband and I intentionally spend time in prayer and Bible reading just to focus myself for the day, because the days get crazy.
Anne Graham Lotz
For myself I never plan the way I deliver a message. I do prepare the content, and then I open my mouth and give it. And so the expression, the gestures, the emphasis on words, all of that just comes.
Anne Graham Lotz
The first secret to loving others is to immerse yourself in a love relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - and abide there.
Anne Graham Lotz
God can change our circumstances, but sometimes He waits for us to show real desire for change as well as our faith in Him.
Anne Graham Lotz
If I can center down and strengthen the core of who I am, and the core of who I am is my relationship with God, then that helps me maintain peace deep down. If I can maintain a healthy spiritual core, I think that's enormous for helping the stress.
Anne Graham Lotz