Inspirational Quotes
I have often been downcast, but never in despair.
Anne Frank
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Anne Frank
Age: 15 †
Born: 1929
Born: June 12
Died: 1945
Died: March 31
Anna Frank
Anne Maries Frank
Ana Frank
Anne M. Frank
Annelies Marie Frank
More quotes by Anne Frank
How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day.
Anne Frank
leave me in peace, let me sleep one night at least without my pillow being wet with tears, my eyes burning and my head throbbing
Anne Frank
You must work and should not be lazy if you want to be happy.
Anne Frank
I had to hold my head up high and put a bold face on things, but the thoughts keep coming anyways.
Anne Frank
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Anne Frank
If the truth is told, things are just as bad as you yourself care to make them.
Anne Frank
I looked up in the sky and trusted in God.
Anne Frank
But I won't bore you any longer on the subject of old men. It won't make things any better and all my plans of revenge (such as disconnecting the lamp, shutting the door, hiding his clothes) must be abandoned in order to keep the peace. Oh, I'm becoming so sensible!
Anne Frank
Memories mean more to me than dresses.
Anne Frank
You can be lonely even when you are loved by many people, since you are still not anybody's one and only.
Anne Frank
Deep down I know I could never be that innocent again, however much I'd like to be.
Anne Frank
How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world!
Anne Frank
I feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed, while my dearest friends have been knocked down or have fallen into a gutter somewhere out in the cold night. I get frightened when I think of close friends who have now been delivered into the hands of the cruelest brutes that walk the earth. And all because they are Jews!
Anne Frank
Deep down, the young are lonelier than the old.
Anne Frank
Ordinary people simply don't know what books mean to us, shut up here. Reading, learning, and the radio are our amusements.
Anne Frank
Sometimes I think God is trying to test me, both now and in the future. I'll have to become a good person on my own, without anyone to serve as a model or advise me, but it'll make me stronger in the end.
Anne Frank
I long to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel young and know that I'm free, and yet I can't let it show. Just imagine what would happen if all eight of us were to feel sorry for ourselves or walk around with the discontent clearly visible on our faces. Where would that get us?
Anne Frank
We all live with the objective of being happy our lives are all different and yet the same.
Anne Frank
Who would ever think that so much went on in the soul of a young girl?
Anne Frank
In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.
Anne Frank